Why raging in chess is bad for you

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How getting mad after losing in a game effects you

Chess Personalities
Hi well lots of people lose in chess battle but if we get angry it can effect our playing

Let’s say you ... lose a game right some people don’t care after losing a game but some people become mad if we get mad because a chess game it can damage our chess strategies.
You may be asking how will getting mad after losing a chess game effects us it’s because... when we get mad after losing a chess game we think we will just keep losing and losing that’s what happened to me I kept on resigning or losing all the time. Then my rating went down to the 400’s. After I saw my rating... I said to myself if I keep thinking I will lose I will never get a high rating. And guess what I stopped thinking negative and look at me now my rating is higher then 1200 points. Thanks for reading this and I hope you don’t rage again in a game.Chess rage