
Is it really that forbidden or not an absolute rule?

I came across the terms and services here in lichess. After reading a couple of paragraphs, I saw a line that says advertising teams in chat box, description on team battles and sending teams links in a private messages is against the law here. Ignorance to law excuses no one and I read that the consequence for violating this rule of lichess is really unlikely because the account/ ID or the team will be closed? . I don't like to mention team names here but I saw a lot of teams making team battles, swiss, and arenas that always put their team link in the chat and saying....join our club. If this is not allowed then why do their teams is still existing here at lichess? I'm really confused. Can anyone answer me with a concrete explanation? I just want to be enlightened about my curiosity. I don't want to mess with anyone else. Thank you guys.
It is not allowed. But it is kind of like how you are not supposed to litter but no one is actually going to punish you.
@Adi_the_ninja I don't have any intention to do it. I don't have teams. I'm just playing for the teams I want to help.
your question is so difficult for me to answer. maybe a moderator can give it a try to make you aware of those rules.
You can click the report button on the right of the chat to report a certain message.
Some people just don't report advertisements.

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