
Middlegame strategy books?

Just got the Tarrasch 300 games what sort of things can we learn from it approx 1670 grade
i'll definitely +1 for the Bronstein book 1953 zurich interzonal. it's a game analyse collection but he does explain most of the moves and goes very deep into why they are played. To me he clearly managed to put some expert concept understandable to the amateur....
very easy to read and entertaining by the way. another advantage iirc you can jump from one game to another while skipping some if you want to.

even if you're not looking to play better chess it's just an enjoyable book you can read from time to time.

don't be affraid of going 10 times into the same game, it does take a long time to grasp some concept.
@SeQuino said in #1:
> I'm the kind of player that wins most of his games with good tactics. But I don't know that much about strategy, positional play, planning, judgment in the middle game.
> Can you recommend to me some books or other resources that would help me learn and train it? Something that's neither very basic, because I've learned a thing or two already from watching lots of YouTube videos, nor too advanced.
for some reason, when I study an aggressive opening I am suddenly learning more about middle game tactics, most aggressive openings end up with an early mate so it's a good idea to study.
"Mastering Chess Strategy by Johan Hellsten" -- but IM Andras Toth suggests (strongly) you shouldn't attempt this book unless you are at 2000 FIDE rating or above. I contains 800 problems that require deep analysis.
Masters of the Chessboard is great for an introduction to general strategy. I went through it one summer and my OTB rating went up about 150 points nearly immediately.

Stean's Simple Chess is a great follow up book. You can't go wrong if you go with these two books.
Since it is not posted here that I can see:

Winning Chess Strategies by Yasser Seirawan. Amazing book (and series I should add!) which has helped me out a lot.

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