
Forum Censorship

#20 Perhaps the intent of my satirical post was not clear. If so, I apologize for that.
i. Lichess moderators are charged with keeping the peace on this site, be it by enforcing the "no-cheating" policy, to banning trolls.
ii. They have a limited number of tools at their disposal to do so, including, but not limited to, muting players.
iii. Lichess mods mute players whom they have determined to be engaging in trolling, insulting in chats/forums, or other breaches of netiquette. For the convenience of the user, the applicable netiquette is provided on each page.
iv. If a player is the recepient of any moderator action, they are allowed to appeal this decision. This is done via the report link (provided by bufferunderrun). It is also accessable via lichess' "contact" page (select "Appeal for a ban or IP restriction", continue from there)
v. If a moderator does happen to make a mistake, then the ban will likely be repealed. As with all systems, there is a possibility of error (i.e. unjust ban, appeal, unjust rejection of appeal), but this is highly unlikely, as the appeal will almost certainly be reviewed by a seperate moderator.
vi. It should be noted that moderators tend to err on the side of inactivity, rather than on the side of excessive moderator action. I have been active and even vocal, often to the point of controversiality, on this site for many years, yet I have never been chatbanned, and have only once received any kind of warning. It is highly unlikely that the muting of which you are referring was unwarranted.
"not even a pigeon bringing a letter"

Actually, I got one of those (only a letter isn't what it brought).
@clousems in tourneys one looks both rude and stupid when not answering, not greating, not nothing -- from the others' perspective. Cause answering and greating and chatting, all happen, from the sandboxed user's perspective. It's just that the text is redirecterd to dev/null

The problem is not the muting per se, it is the blanket nature of it.

And childish and condenscending nature of those enforcing it covertly, making the profile's owner look rude and stupid in circles they are not, intend not to be, and have never been so. And the reward is some terms-of-disservice bureaucrats preaching about lions licking bunnies, not unlike in some obscure religion's depictions. And waving some flag on a moral highground about not creating secondary accounts, like there were no tools on the internet to do exactly that,

and let the destroyed-by-mods profile just sink.
I disagree.

In tourneys, nobody is required to respond to anything, nor say anything. Many people play in Zen mode in tournaments, and many more turn off the chat, as they find it distracting. Even in smaller tourneys, not responding can indicate that you're playing on a phone, or are otherwise simply unable to chat.
Further: so what if someone looks rude for being chatbanned? Have you ever known someone to get chatbanned for being polite and caring at all times, and never breaking the rules?
Though I think moderation is good and thank god you Lichess guys make it work, I guess Lichess is accepting donations from shadowbanned people. I think that is unfair, or even a fraud, you should rethink of it.
Shadowban in itself is wrong, one should always know when some action is being taken.
Yeah but there are rogue admins who just "poof" delete accounts and there's no trail or way to appeal... so yeah...
@clousems In tourneys where you know the participants and you gather full minutes before to be ready when it starts? I'm not talking about 100% strangers here.

Also, what if someone is rude to rude people and nice to nice people? What then? Do the borderline religious (aka fanatic) tos and be-nices still apply? Should they?

What are we to turn our other cheek?

The moderators of this site are condescending and pretentious, preaching about something they aren't themselves, either.
@hattorihanzo57 You've been here two weeks. Don't like it? Leave. Your opinion on chat moderation is uninteresting and unimportant. You're not making any useful suggestions for improvement; just complaining. It's boring. Everyone with a brain knows that if you don't get a reply to a message in a game you might be concentrating, or in zen mode, or using kid mode etc. And if someone thinks someone else is being rude.... who cares?
TOS are fanatic?
My dude, they are about as strict as the admissions board at a community college. Most people on the site don't even read the TOS and manage to avoid violating them.
Which one of the Three Commandments do you find to be a violation of your rights?

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