
I can't join to a tournament

Hi everyone,

I'm presenting an issue, I want to join in a tournament but the "join" button is disabled.

Have somebody facing this error before?

The tournament has two rules:

1. Do not have more than 2000 points on lichess
2. I must belong to an specific team.

I reach both rules but I'm not able to join.
actually never mind I found the tournament
that's weird, I thought it was because it was starting in too long but other people somehow managed to join so idk.
Yeah, it's weirdo, others can join without problems, but not me haha :(
@TRex7 I resolved the problem. I couldn't join to the tournament because I didn't have a rate on blitz. So I had to play some matches in order to get my rate.

Thx for your help!

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