
Can you win this position?

@Toadofsky interesting technique! This was a position from an OTB game that I couldn't manage to win, when I checked it afterward, computer showed me a different way to win, where you just outmaneuver the opponents bishop without moving the king and force them to give up a pawn, although its really hard to see.

@upandcomer from my human perspective, it seems like the AI didnt put up best resistance? Why 6...Be1 instead of Be3?
@Toadofsky i seem to remember that putting the pawn on g4 yields an immediate draw. If black puts a king on e6 and just bounces the bishop on the f6 - d8 diagonal which seems to be a logical defense, then white can force a position with white king on c7, Bishop on d6 and Black bishop on f6, upon which black is in zugzwang and white can invade through the back rank via the d8 square, which wins. (since if Bg7, there is Bc5 and if black plays Bf6 again, then Bb4 etc, making the d8 square free after blacks next move.)

However, I think that placing the black king on c6 is the accurate defense cutting off all the light squares, and the bishop seems to be able to hold all the pawns on the kingside.

Sorry for making anyone read all of this
again, i do believe in any position where g4 gets played is immediately drawn, the position in #16 is interesting, it seems that on move 9 black is already in zugzwang where they are forced to lose a pawn or forced to make their bishop passive on f6, upon which a timely bishop maneuver to the d8 square will win.

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