
Suggestion for lichess

I would like to suggest to show keyboard players, for example when the game starts, near your opponents name "KB player", because a lot of player (also strong) don like to play with KB players, (for example Fritzi_2003), I dont like it too, and also option to create tournaments where "no KB players allowed", what do YOU think about it? Write below!
why tf don't you like playing keyboard players? There is no difference
it's the same as having a better mouse or faster wifi. If you can't beat them you just suck. Sorry but thats the truth.
Let's go further and show what type of mouse, what type of hardware, what type software is currently running.

Let's have a tournament which excludes user names that are illegal on the internet.

Let's have a tournament which excludes current and prior military.

Instead of suggesting "bad" ideas, let's try to improve [...].
Get rid of keyboard players and bring back real pianos into jazz.
After that,demand more respect for drummers..they can't help the way they are.
Anyone else find it weird that a guy with such a high blitz rating is complaining about this?

I don't understand why you don't like it?
What about keyboard players? is it better to play with a keyboard than a mouse?

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