
Search "user:jujugaga"

51 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Playing "classical" chess again#6

As a soon to be 30 year old guy, I think adults forget that a lot of kids and teens play here, and inhabit the internet. While being rude is being rude, I never engage rudeness or pettiness because I'…

General Chess Discussion - Legal's mat - whether does it possible?#4

General Chess Discussion - How 'tenacious' are you#14 Had a fun one this week that fits the tenacity category.

General Chess Discussion - Is that a gambit or just a mistake?#4

As a similarly ranked player to you I'd call it a gambit, not a mistake. You intended to cause the result which definitely had some theoretical value. Later moves (or mistakes) don't bear on whether t…

General Chess Discussion - Should a resignation always be a loss?#7


General Chess Discussion - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ?! #13

I too have stretches of sub 20 centipawn loss where I feel i almost can't lose and then I play for two weeks at an average of 80 and drop 100 lichess ratings points or more. I can't really explain it-…

General Chess Discussion - Offering a Rematch After a Win#3

Lots of chatter about rematches recently. IMO it is sporting to offer a rematch if you win, as if to say, "I respect you enough to believe you have a chance at winning playing the other color."

General Chess Discussion - Events and Other Things #5

Realpawn- 1. always make sure you are having fun 2. use losses, even frustrating ones to learn what you can be better at 3. Play longer time controls

General Chess Discussion - Why is stalemate a draw instead of a win?#20

I am a huge proponent of stalemates. I think it adds some whimsy to chess and that making a stalemate a win would really change the game for the worse. I almost enjoy turning a loss into a stalemate a…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Demographic#3

I just wanted to say how awesome that map is
