
Search "user:Finnfinity"

66 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Never Give Up!#8

please resign i have checkmate in 1

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is chess better than sex?#53

@chesseater78 said in #5: > You can sacrifice your queen before mating without risking jail-time (or worse)....: ) bro ToT

General Chess Discussion - New Chess Term#2

I like it. How about: 518er A term for snobby chess960 players to describe standard players

Lichess Feedback - I still think there should be more time for the first move in chess960#3

@mkubecek said in #2: > It would make sense to make it work like in swiss tournaments: after the 30s limit times out, player's clock is started and it's up to them how long they need for their first m…

Lichess Feedback - I still think there should be more time for the first move in chess960#1

Like at least a minute for rapid+. You could also make the first move timer customizable. Or make it like where the time starts going down immideatly after the game starts and it simply auto…

General Chess Discussion - Software/algorithm for swiss tournaments to balance out how often each player plays white/black?#3

@petri999 said in #2: > > should gives at least two opensource thingies that have also the W/B part Ayy yes thank you mister master :)

General Chess Discussion - Software/algorithm for swiss tournaments to balance out how often each player plays white/black?#1

I'm looking for a software/algorithm for swiss-style tournaments that determines who plays white/black each match to balance out how often each player plays white or black as well as possible. I know …

General Chess Discussion - hwo is the best player in your world#23

@AjitKumarOnline said in #6: > I don't understand the question: > > 1. hwo (person) is the best player in the world > 2. hwo (who) is the best player in the world > 3. hwo (how) is the best player in …

General Chess Discussion - World record - He played chess for more than 58 hours straight#3

He's gonna have the tetris effect of his life

General Chess Discussion - I need woman who plays chess#4

@EvilPyrokar said in #3: > Linder? "I don't date men under 6ft" x "I don't date men under 1600 elo" √
