
Search "user:Lord_Of_The_Hill"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Learn from your mistakes.#1

Good feature. Helps you to learn something from your defeats, to improve your game in future

Lichess Feedback - Cheat Detected#19

So who cheated, JustinDong, can you tell us? You or TheLlamaLord? And why none is marked now? Out of interest, I tried to trigger "cheat detected" by turning on local analysis in another tab. But noth…

Lichess Feedback - Cheat Detected#14

I read the thread from the beginning, and only now I do understant that no real cheating occurs, just a moderator troll somebody. Am I right?

Lichess Feedback - Rating range does not function properly.#6

Of course this feature is dumb and should be removed. I fully agree with the crowd.

Lichess Feedback - Wind back the Quick Game update#4

I saw these changes recently, and I dislike it too. New quick tab feature is bad and it conflicts with old lobby feature. Also I'd like to say that new puzzles are disastrous. I'd like lichess revert …

Lichess Feedback - Cheat Detected#12

How is "cheat detected" and none marked? Who cheated then? The Poltergeist?

Lichess Feedback - To those weirdos who think you can;t get help on Lichess.#3

When I was emailing to lichess contact a year ago, they refuse to help me, and at the end of our conversation their answers became rude. I don't know, maybe they changed support personal nowadays and …
