
Search "user:nupodnu"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Career options for GM-in-Training?#5

A librarian, maybe?

General Chess Discussion - Career options for GM-in-Training?#4

Yeah, I get it. I'm not looking for a career making millions as a GM. In fact, I'm not interested in earning money from chess. I get paid well doing what I do now. My somewhat tongue -in-cheek post is…

General Chess Discussion - defeated a bot?!#2

So awesome. I can never beat bots, not even relatively "easy" ones. I just find their style of play confusing. So, I get your excitement!

General Chess Discussion - Career options for GM-in-Training?#1

Ok, stuff this. I want to get serious about my chess. Thinking of packing in my super-stressful job and training semi-full-time... But have to pay the bills. What career options are there for people w…
