GM Oleksiyenko Lichess coach picture

GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko

I hope I can make you enjoy and love chess like I do!

LocationLviv Ukraine
LanguagesEnglish (US), українська
RatingFIDE: 257325892708
Hourly rate80$
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hi! I am Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko. I am a professional chess player as well as an experienced coach. I am an International Grandmaster, and I also hold a Ph.D. in mathematics.

You can book a lesson here:
I strongly prefer working with adult learners or players with 1600+ ELO.

I am currently coaching at Killer Chess Training

Check out my six courses for chessable:

I also created six courses about chess for Udemy. They are about tactics, openings, middlegame, endgame, and general principles. The courses would be useful only for players below ELO 1900.

Please use these direct links. Otherwise, Udemy collects about 2/3 of your payment.
I suggest you study the courses in chronological order (tactics-openings-middlegame-principles-one pawn-two pawns)

You can check my books here:

Here are my courses for Modern-chess:

Playing experience

Champion of Ukraine in 2016 ( and rapid champion of Ukraine in 2014 ( There were many tournaments where I shared or took first place but I am not going to bore you with those.
I also hold a Ph.D. in mathematics.
Best players I was privileged to beat in classical chess: Gashimov, Ivanchuk, Harikrishna, Wojtaszek, Firouzja, Laznicka

Teaching experience

I am teaching since 2011. I have experience coaching national teams of Ukraine (men), Egypt (men and women), and the Netherlands (women). The best chess players that I have been coaching are Amin Bassem (, Ahmed Adly (, Alexander Ipatov ( and others.
I also have experience teaching children as well as players without any rating.

Other experiences

I also have some experience as a commentator. World Team Chess Championship (Ankara, 2013) and FIDE Women’s World Chess Championship Match (Lviv, 2016)

Best skills

I believe I am quite a universal chess player and teacher

Teaching methodology

Every student needs a special approach.
This is why during the first 2-3 sessions I give personalized advice on how to study chess better given the time constraints we all have.
I ask many questions about the current way of studying chess and then advise on how to improve it.

Every student is special. And yet, some things are common to all players, in my opinion.
For example, everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY) needs to work on their calculation. It is a muscle that needs constant training!

Active play is a very important skill that I can teach. To my mind, most games could be decided in the middlegame, so I believe it is the most important part of the game. Improving calculation, active play, and positional and strategic understanding are the keys to playing middlegame. Openings and endgames are also extremely important, but I believe that you can get away with some basic rules of playing those and some "must-know" endgame knowledge.

YouTube videos