
What is the main difference between 1700 and 2000+players?

I does not feel the gap between rating of 1400 and 1700 is as much as that from 1700 to 2000. When I played against 2000 rated players, I get crushed easily. What is the main difference between them? what should I do to reach that level?
Probably 2000+ players already have some ideas of positional and strategic play. I don't know the reason specifically but you may paste a link of your game to your post next time :)
It is funny , I get crushed by 2100s , how do they see the game that I cant? I think I'm a half decent player, how do they see the game that seems to be so easy for them? I play and play and play and yet it's so easy for them to see the game, I don't get it. Is it just natural talent for the game? xxx edit I'm not jealous I love this game just wish I was better , how do they see it?............oh I see it's my bad play , like when I smash a noob hmmmm xxx
I think players rated 1700-1800 don't know openings. And the analysis is not very strong. Because I also started with a rating of 1700 -1800 in Lichess. Then I started to analyze my own and other games and studied some openings and immediately my rating grew up to 2000 and 2000+.
2k blunders slightly less than 1700. Thats it.
Another one of these imponderable forum questions. The main difference is that they play better.
quite often they are high rated in fischer randum too ,so i do not think the difference is opening knowledge.
Form watching GM's on youtube , i'd guess it's pattern recognition and the ability to visualize the board

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