
GM Wesley_So Closing Account (Comments)

Do you have anything to say about Wesley closing his account?
i'll copy/paste this relevant data that i posted in another thread:

Wesley So played 281 games ( ), which were his most recent "non-win" results?

- loss vs marked as cheater, guy that stirred the drama. played 100 games - 0+1 bullet series vs darkghoul (untitled or anonymous), score 4½-3½ in So's favor
- loss vs banned before the game even counted, played 122 games
- loss vs LM Seppo
- loss vs FM JusticeBot
- draw vs IM piongu
- loss vs banned, played 47 games
- draw vs JonahK (untitled), has 6752 games
- draw vs IM Andras Toth - 2+0 bullet series vs Peaudepailles (untitled/anonymous), score 5-2 in So's favor

it's up to the reader to evaluate any conclusions. :p
In all the aforementioned threads, nobody explained what is going to happen with Wesley So's featured tournaments. Will they all be cancelled or they will feature the current #1 players of the variants? There has been recently a successful JannLee's Crazyhouse tournament. I suggest creating similar tournaments for all variants to honour the Champions.
Also nobody said what is going to happen with Pursuit of Brilliance contest. When and where the results will be published and who the new judge is going to be? Wesley So was supposed to be the judge but now he quit.
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lichess is a very nice site, i'm a donor of lichess, i love it, but i must admit that is too easy for cheaters, the everage "quality" of the player is weaker than, Icc.....

Sure, is free, is nice, minimal and modern style, i love it, but there is a reason if 90% of titled players play in (and icc of course).
There are more cheaters on . It's just harder to spot them. It can take a long time until they're banned.

So, is it better to be cheated on and not know about it ? For many people, it seems the answer is yes.
It looks like offered money to Wesley So for playing exclusively there. Hikaru Nakamura, among others, famously has such a contract with
Then Wesley So quit lichess on his usual trolling style. He couldn't simply close the account, he had to post inflammatory, infuriating, frivolous, and vexatious postings on lichess forums in the process. He has always enjoyed causing lots of drama around him and his lichess exit is not a surprise for anyone.
Fortunately, his thread was quickly locked by the admins. It won't be surprising if Lichess admins won't ever allow Wesley So to play here ever again.

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