
Terrible pictures.

Sorry, but the pictures for chess problems have become simply terrible.
Remove this horror as soon as possible!
Some skulls, knives, spears, piercing people.Stop it!
Did you enabled anarcandy piece set by any chance? Click on your username in the top right corner and then Piece set and pick something else then.
I believe @Denis-Moscow74 talks about the practice section. Some icons are really disgusting.

Also the berserk icon is the same.
@Denis-Moscow74 said in #5:
I tend to agree. I was surprised when I saw them recently. Not sure if this is new or not, but it didn't catch my eye before. Seems rather out of place.
God, don't be so sensitive. Language uses metaphors, chess language does, too. Wihy not use an icon for "skewer" that shows ... a skewer?

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