

Too many times I have played against players that know they are going to lose but will act childish and drag the game on or even walk away from the game. I think there should be a resign button where you can ask an opponent to resign and if they don't and you go on to win you are given a extra point in your rating.

Something should be done to stop sore losers on here because I am about to go back to playing my Chessmaster game more because at least the computer characters don't act like a child when you are beating them.
No i have drawn games that i should have clearly lost :) i remember one where i managed to get my self stalemated

found it ^^ Had i just given up i would not have this nice memory :D
this is one of the few matches i actually remember
How about such amendment: if your opponent goes on to win after a "resign offer", he'll get like 10 extra points, hah?

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