
Persistent commenting in live games


First of all thanks a lot for an awesome site.

One of the things I'd really feel would improve the site, would be to maintain live comments to your games.

I.e. a nice way to annotate games with your thoughts as you play. I'm mostly playing correspondence, but I could see how this could work also in classical/rapid. Perhaps your notes aren't visible anymore for you during the game.... perhaps you can make audio notes as an added bonus.

It would help a lot understanding your faults when analysing your game later on. What were I thinking? Well, here it is, that's what I was.

This could also be relevant for finding out common mistakes at a certain level, particularly at the beginner level I'd imagine.

What do you think?

Sure, but this becomes a bit unwiedly when testing variations during correspondence games. Would be cool to do a variation and then some explanation of the thinking/threats/opps directly next to it.

For this, it would also be good if the variations in the analysis board could be made sticky somehow.

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