
How were your school days?

And if you are still in school you can describe how does it feel or share any funny incidents
There were always these adults talking when I was ! , very distracting. :).
Mostly boring. Especially when I realized a lot of the teachers were just one chapter ahead in the textbooks.
I remember one social studies class when we had been studying NATO and I asked about SEATO and my teacher got a blank look on her face. She didn't know what I was talking about.
It was the first time I was disillusioned and understood teachers were not the infallible font of wisdom I had always assumed they were .
@Dukedog said in #9:
> Mostly boring. Especially when I realized a lot of the teachers were just one chapter ahead in the textbooks.
> I remember one social studies class when we had been studying NATO and I asked about SEATO and my teacher got a blank look on her face. She didn't know what I was talking about.
> It was the first time I was disillusioned and understood teachers were not the infallible font of wisdom I had always assumed they were .

She wouldn't have had Google in those days, to quickly look it up, and make out she knew all along what you were talking about there ! Lol :).

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