
Five Queens on the board at the same time?!

No, this is not some game where I decided to torture (and disrespect) my opponent by promoting all my pawns to queens in an endgame where I didn't need to. In fact, in this game I had three queens and he (temporarily) had two until I captured his newly made queen.
The situation arised in a classical game where Black totally flubbed his opening and had to flee his king to the queenside. I don't think I took all my chances, but my superior bishop pair transformed into dangerous connected passers which managed to queen.

very impressive! that's my dream, but my opponent gave me a harder time xD. also 8+0 gets really tense!
All the possible mates in the above, might be missing one or two.
LOL. I was trying to get all my queens to the h file but I realized it was not possible without a draw. (Maybe it was, but I just wanted to end the game and stop thinking) Btw, you are missing Qe8 and Qg8 (From f7)
You and your opponent appear to be polygamists. That's quite a few queens.
5 chicks, same time.

a good concept in theory.

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