
Advantage in Development
My opponent moves his two side pawn up (a6, h6). Besides the blunder on move 14, is there a way to take advantage of the tempo?
Would 12. d5 ne7 13. nh4 bh7 14. Qf3 have been a possible way to start a king side attack?
After a6/h6, which are normal moves in this variation, you are only 1-2 tempos up in development. Moreover the position is closed which makes this of little significance. So I would say you didnt have a mentionable advantage in development.

Personally I dont like 9. h3 as you are playing on the side of the board where he is strongest and possibly creating weaknesses (g4 I dont like at all). I would prefer 9.a3 -> b4 -> Bb2.
I disagree with #2. I think h3 and g4 are good moves liberating the pinned knight and the bishop on g2, SF chooses them as well. I don't see how Black is stronger there? Both Black knight and bishop are not placed really well, the only square available to them is e4, which only leads to trades. Also considering queens are going to come off, White only gains space on the kingside and now it's White that's stronger there :) But I don't mind your plan with a3, b4.

#1, I wouldn't say you're ahead in development. Black's pieces are all out and active and Black can castle next move. You surely can't prevent castling. All you had to do is finish your development via 14. b3 and 15. Ba3. After that you have a slight edge.

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