
Accept only challenges from team members

Hey there!

I think it would be great if it was possible to only accept from members in a specific team. Or put another way, only members from a specific team can send a challenge to a player. Maybe this could be worked into Lichess directly or as an extension. I will also put it on the github.

Have a great day everybody!
Sounds like a nice feature, especially for streamers.

I know of one open source extension which is used to accept a challenge randomly,

Maybe there are some developers out there, *looks around*,
which can make an extension which filters challenges based on team membership.

Chess on people!
Yep, I thought about that, too, already and will do that for now. Thanks!
<Comment deleted by user>
Ich habe zu diesem Thema leider keine Festgelegte Meinung.
Das Aktuelle System ist für mich in Ordnung.
Did any of the developers look into this? It would be an amazing feature! Thanks :)
@Niclas that would not make much sense. If you are in many or big teams, you (as as a famous chess player) will get flooded by challenges again.
I wouldn't mind. At least then only people in my team can challenge. Also, I created another (small) team for people who have subbed.
The extension that chooses a random challenge does that by randomly selecting a marked element (directly in HTML). I think it will not be easy to make it "know" if a member is in a certain team.

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