
What the hell is wrong with banning system

Just got banned from playing for6 minutes for "aborting to many games". Never aborted a single game without waiting 15 seconds ~ or opponent leaving.

Jesus, could you decrease time I have to wait before being allowed to abort the game? It does not make sense!
there is absolutely nothing wrong with the banning system. even if you wait but you still abort too many games, you will be banned for a time. every player follows the same system, and if you do not like it you can always move to a different site.
@Oslim, that's completly terrible mindset from you. If everyone who didn't like minor feature of lichess mvoed to other site, no one would play here! As a good member of lichess I want to help lichess improve.

Actually I am preety sure there have been complaints about in the past.

All I am asking for: is just decrease the wait time. I do not want to wait 30 seconds or so just to play 30 second game against 1500 ELO player.
waiting for the first move is not a function of the site, it is a function of who you play.

and if people don't like minor features, they won't use them, if they don't like the whole site, they leave the whole site
i don't particularly like the openings trainer, and as a result, i don't use it as often as the tactics trainer.
sakram07 is absolutely right there. If you give your opponent enough time it souldn't be considered as a abort. These improvalbe features are something you SHOULD talk about. It is no good mindset to leave the site because of these features as they are often improved by the lichess team. It is even worse to recommend others to leave just because they mention inaccuracies on this website.

There are other things like the cheater detection on this site which are also dubious sometimes. 2 very strong chess players which are also friend of mine got detected as cheaters although their rating was under their normal playing strenght. But these are things we can understand as it is not easy to develop a site that does all these things perfectly. Lichess develops great and features very quickly and they still do a good job in improving these minor mistakes.

So it is a thing that may not be perfect, yet. But don't be too mad about it. Maybe a developer read this threat and it will get fixed soon. :)
The aborter gets blamed if less than 15 seconds has passed. The non-mover gets blamed if game is aborted after 45 seconds, regardless who presses abort. Ragequits also count, so if you don't want to continue a game you should resign.

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