
Will online chess replace OTB?

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Thanks to DGT, Certabo, Novag, WebcamChess, et al. — and the Lichess Board API — is there even really a difference anymore between online and OTB chess?

I think that’s the more interesting discussion: not whether one will overtake the other, but whether they will in fact largely merge, with non-electric boards (or boards used without a webcam) becoming rare, even in tournaments. As it is, you see DGT sets used at tournaments all the time, and the games are often broadcast online.

See this blog post and its associated thread (now archived). Consider also comments like this:

“ ‘Is it better to learn by playing online, or classic over-the-board chess?’ It depends on how you learn best. Everyone’s different. It depends what your goals are, too. I’m at the point where it doesn’t really make a difference if it’s a physical board or a digital board. It’s just chess. But I know, when people are first starting out, they have sometimes preferences one way or the other.” — IM Eric Rosen

I’m sure lots of other titled players feel the same way. For many professionals, there is already no difference. 🤷‍♂️

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