
Rating range bug

In "Create a game", I have set 1500 - 1850 as rating range, but got actually paired with a 1934 player

There is REALLY a problem...I checked once again, my rating settings are 1550 - 1850 and I'm paired now with 1200 players... LOL
Just happened to me, too, again. I limited it to 1600, and got paired with a 1652 player.

I reported the problem yesterday, but can't find the posting anymore. The forum could be better, too, there should be at least a way to see all your own postings, if I it doesn't exists already and I missed it.
I saw the reports and am trying to fix the bug. But so far I can't reproduce it.
I've seen this (guess almost the same):
- settings for opponent search (rating) are not saving (after closing the window with site)
- after the game when you push button "search another opponent" - it also searchs without rating settings
I think i figured it out. It's about the "New opponent" button after you finish a game.

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