
all countries committing human rights violations hate Al Jazeera

@sdkman said in #71:
> Why are you taking the word emotional as insult

Probably because I'm on my period.
@CadyRocks said in #72:
> Probably because I'm on my period.
It literally is a bunch of theories that suggest different things
Some say it is due to hormones some others say it is due to society
And it can be a mixture of both
The article talked and mentioned many researches done
@sdkman said in #75:
> Exactly
> You got the point of the verse, I thought you would interpret it otherwise lmao

So I went to your link, and now I understand where you get your blatant sexism from:

"God Almighty says: (Men are guardians of women) meaning: the man is in charge of the woman, that is, he is her leader, her elder, the ruler over her and the one who corrects her when she is crooked (because God has made some of them superior to others) meaning: because men are better than women, and the man is better than the woman. "

I think we should leave this here...just stop already
@QueenRosieMary said in #76:
> So I went to your link, and now I understand where you get your blatant sexism from:
> "God Almighty says: (Men are guardians of women) meaning: the man is in charge of the woman, that is, he is her leader, her elder, the ruler over her and the one who corrects her when she is crooked (because God has made some of them superior to others) meaning: because men are better than women, and the man is better than the woman. "
> I think we should leave this here...just stop already
If you wanted it to end you wouldn't ping me
I told you before
Both sexes are built differently on the biological plan... and made you example of the 3 wooden boxes, fairness≠equity

I will leave it to this
@QueenRosieMary said in #67:

> Women have been and are still fighting to be able to do the same sporting events as men, show me the evidence that they can't do it. In fact, recently there have been suggestions that women might even be better in some cases in ultra-endurance events.
Have to agree with what @sdkman mentioned in post 68.

There are definite differences between male and female bodies when it comes to athletics.

Biological sex is a determinant of athletic performance: adult males are faster, stronger, more powerful than females because of fundamental sex differences in anatomy and physiology dictated by sex chromosomes.

Before puberty, sex differences in athletic performance are minimal. Significant differences emerge at puberty (-12 years) due to anabolic effects of testosterone in males. Testosterone levels rise 20-30-fold in males during puberty and are 15 times higher in males than females by age 18.

Direct and indirect effects of testosterone during male puberty include increase skeletal muscle mass due to larger muscle fiber cross-sectional area, especially fast, type II fibers; lower percentage body fat; higher hemoglobin concentration and mass; larger ventricular mass (heart) and cardiac volumes; larger airways and lungs; greater body height; and longer limbs.

Adult males are stronger, more powerful, and faster than females of similar age and training status. The sex difference in athletic performance where endurance or muscular power is required is roughly 10-30% depending on the event.
The thing is my second point got misunderstood
I am not saying men are smarter then women or anything
What I talked about was the decision making process that would be affected by hormones during times such as periods
But people understood that I mean that they are stupid or that men are smarter ....
What I meant is saying that when someone has a lot of emotions that person should avoid making important decisions (thing that applies on both men and women) because the decision would be affected by the strong emotions and instead wait to calm down
@MarkIorio said in #80:
> Well, yes, if you please. The sooner the better.
I literally don't understand
All of this because I don't shake women hands? Or because I follow my religion?
passages of scriptures that violate our terms of use does not make them ok. Defending genocide, endorsing violence, suggesting any people are born lesser are all unacceptable whether it was written in a book lots of people like or not. and posting Harris is generally unacceptable.
Please report statements like these so moderators can check them. The alternative is any debates on political or social issue will be closed before they turn into pages of borderline hate speech and personal attacks

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