
Elo Rating - vs

Glicko and Elo will converge the same values, just at different speeds. At the bottom they use same model for players strength.

Anyways any attempt to keep two disconnected pools at same levels is bound to fail at some point. Different pools with different starting points mean that they all will have different means
That's decent intuition about convergence although incorrect, since Glicko adjusts RD based on the similarity of player ratings; if many lopsided pairings occur, it's theoretically possible the systems could converge differently.

I do agree that keeping disconnected pools in sync is bound to fail; I'm just saying that as a 2000 Lichess player I regularly hang pieces which surprises opponents; my other ratings are all far below 2000.
I do not see why lichess should conform to Why not the other way around?
On the other hand, it would be nice if ratings were somehow commensurate with FIDE ratings.
Maybe seed new players by their FIDE rating?
I never suggested I never suggested FIDE, or USCF, or CFC, or BCF, or...

The only site having greater ratings than Lichess is RedHotPawn. This confuses new Lichess members.
#26 is in the title of this thread
#2 and #3 are right. If a newbie starts at 1500 then he rapidly loses these and thus gives rating to his opponents = rating inflation.
If a FIDE 2000 player starts at 1200, then he rapidly gains rating and thus takes rating away from his opponents = rating deflation.
Therefore I would suggest to seed new players by their FIDE rating and if they do not have one to seed them at 1200 rather than 1500.
It need not be, but it would be nice that ratings somehow reflect FIDE ratings. An international master would then be around 2400, not at 2600 or 2200.
"It need not be, but it would be nice that ratings somehow reflect FIDE ratings."

You propose two ideas:
1. By default, seed a rating at 1200 rather than 1500
2. Seed by FIDE rating(s) - there are numerous practical problems with this idea
with a database of an year of lichess games it would be rather simple to simulate the effect of starting from 1500 or 1200 or whatsoever.
@tpr Nope if a GM starts at 1200 he will not take points away from pool. As new player he will have high RD meaning games against him do notgainor lose many points and he will quickly adjust. Even Elo is not zero-sum if implemented properly as low rated players get higher K.

But for many reason all ratings will either deflate on inflate and thats not a big deal. Ratings are needed to find well matchin opponent and thats all

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