
What's the luckiest thing that has ever happend to you? (anything)

When I saw a silver cup and could stay at my grandparents house for 1 and a half monthes
Bread store next to our house suddenly burned +- 10 PM. Neighbors knocked our front door hastily. Me & my family ran away from house. Luckily fire fighter came on time then extinguished fire, so fire didn't spread to our house & other house. Thanks Lord Jesus.
I found a gas station where gas is only $3.94. Good thing I don't live in California or I would be broke by now.
not getting checkmated when my oppenet was winning by a quenn and a rook.
A Godly revelation. (you can't actually see Him while you're alive, you see light, he covers himself in light, like in the verse:

Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain (Psalms 104 : 2)

I used to be an athiest (I was 27 when it happened, I'm now 39), that's what TV teached - Evolution / dinosaurs, I saw an argument on the internet about God's existence, the side supporting the 'existence' made much more sense to me - I realized at that very moment, that there really was a God. Then He 'appeared'. Obviously, may life has changed completely afterwards but I'm not here to tell stories.

It's lots of white dots of light running around, whenever you're looking, like when an old TV doesn't work. But less dense when that.

I didn't know if to post this because:
1. It sounds like a lie.
2. It's not 'lucky' - He's the owner of luck, time, space, whatever. so saying that 'He came at the right time' or 'He was in the right place' or 'I was lucky He came' is kinda weird.
@Mercy-Man said in #25:
> A Godly revelation. (you can't actually see Him while you're alive, you see light, he covers himself in light, like in the verse:
> Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain (Psalms 104 : 2)
> )
> I used to be an athiest (I was 27 when it happened, I'm now 39), that's what TV teached - Evolution / dinosaurs, I saw an argument on the internet about God's existence, the side supporting the 'existence' made much more sense to me - I realized at that very moment, that there really was a God. Then He 'appeared'. Obviously, may life has changed completely afterwards but I'm not here to tell stories.
> It's lots of white dots of light running around, whenever you're looking, like when an old TV doesn't work. But less dense when that.
> I didn't know if to post this because:
> 1. It sounds like a lie.
> 2. It's not 'lucky' - He's the owner of luck, time, space, whatever. so saying that 'He came at the right time' or 'He was in the right place' or 'I was lucky He came' is kinda weird.


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