
Rating points adjustment

There was a time, as recently as 6 months ago, where this win would have gained me 9 or 10 rating points.

I understand an adjustment was made, where a win vs a similar rated player only gets you an average of 7 rating points. But 5 points?

It's frustrating because I've improved and way back when, all those losses of 10 points had me really low. Now that I'm winning at a decent clip, it's taking a long time to get it up. What gives? It's gonna take years to reach 2000, and I'm not exactly a spring chicken...
7 rated wins in a row against similarly rated players hasn't even netted me +50 rating when I'm 1600 bullet.
@ProfessorBooty netresult is the same. If win more you win then you would lose more on losses. Average result is the same. Just less variation
Yeah, I know that's true. I guess I'm just frustrated because I am improving, and the change seems to make that process slower. I just wonder why the change was made, and as far as I know we as the public were never really informed about it.

Also, just purely from the 'gamer' standpoint, it makes the games a little less interesting. Since there is not as much on the line.
You stopped gaining / losing as many points because your rating became more accurate. If you start going on a winning streak you should notice more of a gain. Also if you stopped playing as many games it would increase / decrease more. Ratings are in place for match making purposes so honestly you shouldn't get hung up on it.

Oddly enough, the ratings here are pretty accurate as far as this site goes... Meaning if you were to make a new account, you may skyrocket past your current rating but odds are after enough games you'd be roughly the same rating as you are now.
@ProfessorBooty Thinking there is less on the line is the very wrong way to thing about this. Rating is not currency it is merely estimate of you current strength. And it not slow to catch on improvement. In case you win more than lose you derivate element of the rating will go up and you will gain points faster. And event with out it. With larger per game change yes you would go up faster but inevitable setbacks would also be bigger.

And reasoning can found tickets resolved. Basically variation was too high meaning rating were not as good estimates as they can be. By the way only the lowest level ofRD was reduces. Meaning if lose/gain small amount of points it indicates that performance does indicate stability

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