
Should I be happy with my ratings?

It is a kind of bell curve so 1800 is average, what is your plus minus?
Can you compete at all will anyone over you? Do you know why anyone is better then another rather then just a rating? etc.
You should be happy with whatever rating you're at. If you are dissatisfied with your rating, either learn to accept your rating or put in some work to improve. Keep in mind that you'll still improve at chess just by playing a lot, even if you're not 'training'.

Mathematically speaking, 1800 is better than 76% of Lichess players according to rating statistics.
Let me clarify, you should be happy with your progress, with your rate of learning, but you probably love this game enough that you aren't satisfied with your current rating...
As #14 pointed out, an 1800 is definitely more than "okay." You're one standard deviation from the mean (~1500, I assume), so you're well above average. 1800-1999 is the Class A rank (the top rank for amateurs) in USCF, but that's based on OTB tournaments using the Elo system.

Esotericist - the average for classical here is a bit over 1600. 1800 classical here is not Class A USCF, possibly Class B but I would guess Class C.
A rating depends on the pool of players played, your classical stats suggest that your average opponent is under 1600. You have beaten up to 1900 but also lost to 200.

I am not suggesting you are a good player or not, but I would suggest that you try to play players between 1700 & 1900 for a while and see what happens to your rating then, if it goes up, up the parameters until you find your actual playing level.

My rating is only 1782, but average opponent is 1747 (much nearer my own rating) . I try to push myself by making every game against a +/- 150 rating.

Then again I could be doing it wrong.

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