
Pawn Promotion Failure And Misappropriation

Whenever I want to promote a pawn my screen freezes automatically and takes the move back making me play it several times then without giving me the options of piece selection, it automatically gives me any piece, this has made me loose several games, please this should be attended to urgently.
That is sad.
Is it possible that it happens beacause of bad internet connection?

There is the feature of auto-queening.. I have it enabled. So it will not ask me how to promote, it always chosses by default the queen. If in a game you want to change the behaviour in last second you do: Hold CTRL while moving to promotion.
Than the dialog will open and you can choose the piece.

You can try this settings by playing against stockfish from a selfmade startingposition where you have several pawns on the second last row.
I use an android phone, and the Lichess App, but moreover, I'm not the only one experiencing this, my some of my friends told me they experience the same thing, at first I thought it might have to do with an update, but when I checked, there was no update to the app, so I went through the Lichess reviews on playstore, and I saw some persons mention the same thing, so I knew I wasn't the only one having the issue, and I don't think it's a network issue because it has occurred concurrently for probably a month now, as far as I know, and my phone uses a 4G internet connection, I don't think my network can be so bad for that long. I lost about six games I should have won yesterday because of this issue, it's not a cool thing.

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