
Is It Possible To Force Checkmate With 2 Knights?

I challenge you to force a checkmate where the only pieces left on the board are the kings and 2 of your knights (KvKNN).

First, you should try to play around the board and see if you find a way to force it. If you do, try to do it against stockfish level 1.

Afterwards (or right now if you don't want to challenge yourself), check out this game:
@AyrtonTwigg It is not possible to do so unless a previous position pulled your knights into checkmating position, likely due to zugzwang after the king is stalemated and only can move a pawn up, for example. This phenomenon of two knights checkmating because the opponent had a pawn is very well-known. Go read about the Troitsky Line.
I know about the 2 knights vs pawn scenario (look at my ratings). In those situations the black pawn stays on the board when white checkmates (to avoid stalemate). However, my challenge is slightly different in that the only pieces left on the board are the kings and the 2 knights.
Two horses are not sufficient, it needs a donkey additionally.
bit sad for horseys. still think horse is the best attacking piece by far :)

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