
Russia or Ukraine?

Not a hard decision Russia invaded and is bombing and shelling civilians.
Russia will win very easily. However, if other european countries and usa join, it will be rough
@supasucka said in #3:

>Russia will win very easily. However, if other european countries and usa join, it will be rough

The chance for "Very easily" already passed

And it's only going to get harder from here on out

'Very easily' was how the US conquered Iraq (who had a larger army) in less time than Russia has been fighting Ukraine.

And see how easily that turned out?

Ukraine will bleed them dry until they leave.

Too bad Russia has a psychotic egotistical dictator that would rather their country suffer than to lose face.
@twighead said in #4:
> The chance for "Very easily" already passed
> And it's only going to get harder from here on out
> 'Very easily' was how the US conquered Iraq (who had a larger army) in less time than Russia has been fighting Ukraine.
> And see how easily that turned out?
> Ukraine will bleed them dry until they leave.
> Too bad Russia has a psychotic egotistical dictator that would rather their country suffer than to lose face.
If Russia went full-on, they could destroy Ukraine. however, putin doesnt want it to escalate to nuclear weapons.
Well duh, and they'd also promptly die in a nuclear holocaust right after.
I stand with sensible people from both sides who wish this madness to end soon.
@supasucka said in #3:
> Russia will win very easily. However, if other european countries and usa join, it will be rough
dont be so sure
Ukrainian blogger posted a video for English speakers about the tactics of the Ukrainian army in the current conflict:

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