
I'm getting tired of this

I am a 1.Nf3 player. About 1/4 of my opponents look at this and just let the time run out to not have to actually play chess instead of "who knows more theory?" Can you debit these people half the rating points they would lose if they lost so they have an incentive to actually play?
If they're repeatedly aborting games, they'll get warnings against their accounts.
I have the same experience. I don't always open 1.Nf3 by any means, but when I do it does seem to result in a lot of players refusing to play.

But your suggested solution is not on. Messing about with the ratings will corrupt the rating system.

I just think: well, that opponent obviously wasn't worth playing. I'm glad to move on to another opponent. :D
if they playing game after aborting yours, just block them all. also they can do that , if your rating is much more higher or lower than Yours, or some other reasons, but anyways by blocking them, sooner or later it will be less
It would be an interesting feature if Lichess checked if players consistently abort against the same opening (allowing for some openings being more common than others, of course), and give them harsher punishments if this is the case, because it means they're aborting on purpose not because of internet connections/IRL obligations. If the distribution of openings in aborted games is significantly different than the distribution of openings in all games, then that would be very suspicious. Of course, the player might play one person who plays the same opening a lot, but then comparing the distribution of openings in aborted games to the distribution of openings in all games *that the offender plays* would still be effective I think.
not playing results in them not being allowed to play, starting at about 10 minutes and getting longer if they keep doing it. It can result in us closing their account eventually. so the consequences for sitting is quite serious.
Just say "skibidi" in the chat. They're bound to move before you can say anything else.
Edit: Just kidding, what you should really do is block them.
As far as messing with ratings, it's far from that. Suppose they get docked 3 points. That's half what they get if they win the next game, and probably not enough to have any effect at all on their rating after a few days.
@CRB1164 said in #8:
> As far as messing with ratings, it's far from that. Suppose they get docked 3 points. That's half what they get if they win the next game, and probably not enough to have any effect at all on their rating after a few days.

Ok, so then what's the point?

It's silly to use rating as a punishment, when it's not a reward in the first place.

I agree that people who abort games should be punished more harshly, but rating is definitely not the way to do it. Also, we have to worry about punishing innocent people with a bad connection. I think my suggestion in #5 is reasonable.

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