
what do you think about this??

Not sure if you are looking for anything specific.

The first part that jumps out is the opening has a glitch from both sides.
4. e5 is a free pawn. However white doesn’t take it and actually is worse if you punish that, but the next turn he does take it and is much better :)

The mistakes after that are less easy to avoid, and white plays quite well, leading to a proper win.
Pawn drops on move 4, 11, 23

30.Rd4! looks like a mate attack, at least white will not lose his a-pawn.

32...Qa2! seems to protect everything.

34...Qc3!? looks like a better try, does then 35.Rd8+ Kh8 36.Rh8+ Kg6 37.Qd6+ f6 38.e5!? work? In that sense, why not 31...b5 32.Qxh6 b4?

after 35.Rxh6 - see #3
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