
Search "user:Resurr3ction"

47 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle JoTJI has 2 solutions but only 1 is accepted :-(#3

Hint: Because there is always only one solution, find the differences if you think that two or more moves seem to work. In this case it was the double attack on g2 after the queen moves to f1.

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations Gukesh!#14

Congratulations to Gukesh! @lizani said in #11: > The time control was definitely an issue and yet another example of FIDE blundering without a clue. Every top level classical chess event has an incre…

Lichess Feedback - Draw in game with opponent out of time#3

It looks like you, yesterdayafter, forgot which colour you had in this game. You were black and only had a king but your opponent ran out of time. This is why you got a draw, which is the best you can…

Lichess Feedback - Player order in broadcasts#8

Another new argument why this order is very confusing (if you don't know how it works) or maybe just objectively bad: Broadcast: Black player White player Opening Database: White player Black player I…

Lichess Feedback - What is the real value of accuracy metrics?#15

@Toscani said in #13: > 2. Accuracy is calculated based on the difference between the player's move and the engine's recommended best move. This shows the biggest issue with accuracy: The engine's rec…

Lichess Feedback - Option for removing white arrows#2

There is an option to remove or add all arrows mentioned. In the settings ("hamburger button"): Show variation arrows and Best move arrow.

Lichess Feedback - Is there a problem with the database of saved analysis? seems less deep#2

I could imagine that the old lines and evaluations from older, out of date SF releases are going to be replaced with results coming from the current SF 16 version. Some lines surely went a lot deeper …

General Chess Discussion - Lichess's Patron Sign#2

Green means that the player is currently online, while grey means he/she is offline.

Lichess Feedback - Shifted#2

Same for me on Windows + Chrome but on Android + Chrome and desktop site activated it is still the old layout. I guess it is an intended change that is going to be implemented on other platforms soon …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess blocking our games from friends#2

Closing your account was probably not the solution.
