
Search "user:drbeak"

18 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - 3n + 1#9

maybe there is a number which doesn't get into the loop example number = 123 ------------------------------------------------------ 370 185 556 278 139 418 209 628 314 157 472 236 118 59 178 89 268 13…

Off-Topic Discussion - 3n + 1#8

@saurabhsangeeth said in #6: > So its just an infinity loop ? that's what we think but there is no proof

Off-Topic Discussion - 3n + 1#7

@Mantram_PateL said in #5: > @drbeak @saurabhsangeeth > > Yep, but it was 3x+1 oh thank you, do you know anything interesting about this ?

Off-Topic Discussion - 3n + 1#3

@saurabhsangeeth said in #2: > Did Veritasium make a video about it yes I learned most of the stuff I know about this from him

Off-Topic Discussion - 3n + 1#1

so it's math but does somebody know any interesting facts about the collatz or hailstone numbers ? for example they can be use to generate natural looking trees or corals if you don't know what hailst…

Lichess Feedback - lichess Feature Request: awards#1

so lichess has some awards like the shield or the marathon award and in my opinion it might be cool if anyone could have gave awards like a team leader could give someone an award like agadamator's te…

Lichess Feedback - Blog Etiquette#5

@RMario said in #4: > TODO = A task yet to be done; an item on a to-do list. Oh I thougt that maybe to do but since they wrote it TODO like 1 word I thaght i was wrong

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