
Search "user:Whiplash775"

73 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Specific puzzles#1

Is there a way to search for/ look at puzzles from specific openings or search for ones that are from your own games that made it on the server? Sure would be awesome.

Game analysis - Fun game#6

A proper 4...Qb6 would have ended this discussion.

General Chess Discussion - Rating Floors#1

Has Lichess ever considered implementing rating floors?

Off-Topic Discussion - Should We As A Society Bring Back "Dueling?"#30

@GianMarcoDorio Sounds to me like maybe you were born during the time period.

Off-Topic Discussion - Should We As A Society Bring Back "Dueling?"#17

@GianMarcoDorio Nice read Marc, well written and "itelluctual". Dueling went out, became patently unpopular, a long time ago with good reason. I expect it will stay that way. Here is what the people o…

Off-Topic Discussion - Should We As A Society Bring Back "Dueling?"#11

Dueling implies that the winner is somehow superior or right because they won; or in the case of mishap like a jammed weapon, that fate dictated. This sort of wild west mentality is very flawed. It is…

General Chess Discussion - What say you?#3

@lifsitch So then what are your preferences, how do you go about it. Where do you find beauty or satisfaction in the game?

General Chess Discussion - What say you?#1

I would rather make a move that is well thought out, instead of just memorized. (even in Blitz.)

General Chess Discussion - Ultimate Funny Chess Moments and Blunders#22

Oh hell yes, I love this video, funny as hell, shows some really good things, we are all human, there is always someone better out there somewhere, the highs, the lows, the beer, the dancing, the sing…

General Chess Discussion - Bobby Fischer. What methods did he use to learn chess?#12

See the documentary "Bobby Fischer against the world". It's on youtube. Some of the people close to him I.E. Larry Evans, Anthony Saidy etc. comment on this and when and how he made the quantum leap. …
