
Search "user:garciam"

41 forum posts
Game analysis - knight and rook sacrifice#2

youtube of a game not a link or pgn of moves ? (forcing us to watch the game instead of playing thru it ) context of game?, rating of opponent?, where played? (online or otherwise) etc lost interest i…

Game analysis - Learning the scandinavian#9

and yes, the Scamdinavian is interesting, it can be as wild or as dull as you want it. good luck in learning it.

Game analysis - Learning the scandinavian#8

i dont think anyone was cheating in this game, @OP, @jfialho. The position in many parts of the game lacked potential dynamism until he found a plan and Black helped a little bit (I agree with #2 that…

Lichess Feedback - Why there is no rating distribution for correspondence chess?#6

can we get an answer from a moderator to say whether or not correspondence chess has anti cheating measures in place ?

General Chess Discussion - Aim higher! But how do you improve?#14

An old local Master told me, just dont make mistakes. and he's right

Game analysis - Heavy imbalances, KRPP vs KPPPPPPP endgame.#5

rare endgame. both sides had it, lost it, and had it again. good fight.

Game analysis - Attacking Chess!#2

meh. after 15...Nf8 it was pretty much A B C.

Game analysis - Wow, first time ever :)))#2

+0 increment. making noobs feel good since the first chess clock.

Lichess Feedback - LiChess - Download All Games#2

add: i'm talkin traditional chess, not variants.

Lichess Feedback - LiChess - Download All Games#1

Is there a way, or will there be a way to download all games ever played on Lichess ? Much akin to the FICS game repository found at:
