
Search "user:MysteriousLabyrinth"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - how did you get into chess#13

Mummy showed me how to move the bits at age 5,thats about 45 years ago and she still does the same opening mistake today,e4,e5 knight f3,f6?knight takes e5!Doink!

Lichess Feedback - Can this be considered as a form of cheating?#1

Hello Lichess i noticed that i had 3 games with this player who artificially reduces their rating,at the very least this is a form of deception and i might have played differently if i knew his or her…

Lichess Feedback - Friends list#3

Cheers thanks the issue is fixed phew.

Lichess Feedback - Friends list#1

Hi Lichess for some reason i cant hide the pop up friends list as usual and its driving me nuts.I can only hope that this isnt a permanent change as when there are many players logged on that are on m…

General Chess Discussion - Google Chess Hangout#2

General Chess Discussion - Google Chess Hangout#1

Google Chess Hangout,for anyone who likes to chat with the microphone(Tired of texting like me?) while playing and meet people from around the world.I started a page on google plus called MysteriousLa…
