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62 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Rematches#11

I usually do not take a rematch. Sometimes, when a good game was played, and we are about equal rank. But never, never, when the opponent played on in a clearly lost position the game before. If you a…

General Chess Discussion - why are you all here?#3

I like the layout also. The study sectio is very good. I don't know if has something like it.

General Chess Discussion - I'm trying to learn the Budapest Gambit, any suggestions for lines to try when white prevents it?#13

The problem with the London/Colle systems is they are not designed to be tricky or double edged. when white delays or omits c4, you cannot memorize a series of lines to roll out. The good news is Whit…

General Chess Discussion - I'm trying to learn the Budapest Gambit, any suggestions for lines to try when white prevents it?#11

Play 2..g6 or 2...c5. 2...g6 heads for a King's Indian and you have avoided a lot of theory on the Saemisch and the 4 P attack. KID is a nice, double edged opening. 2...c5 heads for a Benoni, where ag…

General Chess Discussion - Should you read chess books#27

I agree with njswift. If you like reading any books than read chess books. Most kids do not enjoy reading in general and so reading chessbooks will not work. All world champoins, including the post co…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Historians#15

Also Botvinnik wrote his article on the Soviet School of Chess, published in 1949, 3 years after Alekhine's death, proclaiming Alekhine as one of the founders of the School, and spoke very highly of h…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Historians#12

There was no reason to kill him- 4 or 5 players wee better than him by 1946, including Botvinnik

General Chess Discussion - Should i read my life and games by Tal and try to copy his repetoire?#12

The problem with Tal is that he played virtually everything, so you can't copy his repertoire. But just enjoy his games and copy his style. You will never get bored!

Game analysis - The killer bind.#5

it's usually a bad idea to tradwee Queens when you are a pawn down. It is usually much easier to win with the Queens off the board. Here Qe3 either creates a perp or forces your opponent to take risks.

General Chess Discussion - How to hit 2500#8

Start at 2600 and get old. Guaranteed to hit 2500.
