
Search "user:desperate-times"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Black Castling#4

the modern defense... there are lots of variations where black can delay castling...

General Chess Discussion - How to detect cheating?#28

once i lost like 6 times to a girl in 2+1 section (a girl profile picture) on and i lost like 50 points because of it.. i was frustrated and the next day when i visited the site i had gotten…

Game analysis - I screwed up royally and I regret resigning. Would anyone like to analyse my game?#8

great analysis and an interesting game. actually signed up to chesspaths after this.

Lichess Feedback - disallow opponent meddling with clock#2

yeah, I agree it can be very annoying. once one of my opponents added like 3-4 minutes to my clock as I was a rook and 3 pawns down. but in his despair i actually found a very elegant way to sac my ot…

General Chess Discussion - Too many people disconnecting when the game is lost #3

the last time i claimed victory was yesterday, so it's still like that. usually you have to wait when you have been playing for a long time like 5 or 10 minutes, then lichess makes you wait the last 2…

Game analysis - What is the best way to deal with d4 systems with f4#10

why don't you try the classical dutch?! you'll get the kingside attack and in addition you'll destroy white's hopes of playing any of those london systems or queen's gambit bs.

General Chess Discussion - What would be your Real Life ELO rating? Try this test!#201

Based on your move choices, our estimate of your Elo rating is 2131, with a 95% confidence interval of [2004...2259]. very interesting.

General Chess Discussion - Is 1-Min Chess Even Really Chess Or Rather Something Else Entirely?#10

If you agree with the statement "chess is just a game" then playing bullet justifies itself.

Lichess Feedback - the pieces and the size of the board#3

oh thanks! i got it no problem! but i liked the older version anyway.

Lichess Feedback - the pieces and the size of the board#1

I don't know what happened but one of the most important features of lichess is missing. i can't adjust the size of the board and change the appearance of the pieces. i tried every browser and now i'm…
