
Search "user:knotted_knights"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - how to concede a match if it is lost?#2

@Graumantel you need to click the resign flag twice. you can also change it in settings to only require one click.

General Chess Discussion - How to set up a simultaneous exhibition in Lichess?#4

@Arthur_Motta The menu is at the top of the screen on most pages -> Play Puzzles Watch Community Tools Hover mouse over Play and the drop-down menu's last option is: Simultaneous exhibitions Alternati…

General Chess Discussion - Why does so many people support Hans Niemann?#28

Why does so many people support Hans Niemann? Because he is being ganged up on by a loose coalition* of many of the most powerful forces in the chess world and being ridiculed and innuendoed remorsele…

General Chess Discussion - Drawing king rule#3

Why blacks are being punished for winning the game safely?..... This is called stalemate. The white pawn cannot move because it is blocked and the white king can only move into a check. But the king i…

General Chess Discussion - Searching for attacking repertoire#2

@HippoGonnaBiteYou The Fried Liver attack can result in disarray (losing castling rights) for your opponent if they fall for it but you need your opponent to bring out the two knights. e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 B…

General Chess Discussion - How high can average players get without studying standard opening theory?#1

Is it possible to get to 1700 Glicko raitng on Lichess just by learning a few versatile concepts well and lots of practice or is study of opening theory almost a pre-requisite?
