
Search "user:operaphantom"

7 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Why Nc6???#8

lol, 1.Nf3 is weird also. How to punish it ? ^_^

General Chess Discussion - I see lots of puzzles being downvoted#2

I never vote pro or contra, but there are some strange puzzles, for example, where you should just take hanging figure and opponent doesn't have any countergame. So not all of puzzles are ideal.

General Chess Discussion - halasz gambit#1

Good morning! Yesterday i was playing a tournament and met some strange opening named as halasz gambit (1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. f4). Can you tell me where I can get someinformation about it, especially…

General Chess Discussion - Which is Better for White to Learn, KIA or King's Gambit?#15

how about two knights defence with many sharp variants? Or Evans Gambit? Or Scotch gambit) For 1... c5 - Alapin or Smith-Mor In Ruy Lopez for black you can play 3... f5 =) P.S. Also like Morphy and Ta…

General Chess Discussion - Chess by Skype#2

we can try.

General Chess Discussion - What would be your Real Life ELO rating? Try this test!#202

1821 )
