
Be a sport and accept a takeback or two ---to before the blunder.

Take backs are subject to opponent's permission. Everyone is free to grant as many as they want. Granting just enough takebacks to get the game to one move after the blunder is a great idea. So is to queen all the remaining pawns before delivering a checkmate. That's lots of fun to torture players who refuse to resign in hopeless positions!
" Granting just enough takebacks to get the game to one move after the blunder is a great idea." Why? Do you enjoy being a douche?

"So is to queen all the remaining pawns before delivering a checkmate. That's lots of fun to torture players who refuse to resign in hopeless positions!"

Although I agree with you on this point, this is a completely different matter. I am talking mainly about blundering from a nearly equal position (or close enough, less than a point difference) to like -2 or worse (from a theoretical draw to a loss), not blundering from -4 to -6 (from a lost position to a quicker-lost position).
If you blunder in a drawn position, you deserve to lose the game. I don't play chess to help those who can't effectively calculate. Cry me a river.
@takebacksCasualRound Automated text is to allow people who speak other languages to have a basic delivery method of saying a few standard phrases to players with differing dialects, it's also quick.. although some people take it as insincere.

@ChessSyrup The mods here frequently ask for players to report other uses who intentionally let their clock run down in lost positions, they will warn them and potentially ban them if it's a recurring theme in their games. I see it here much less than other sites and it's a real pet peeve of mine but hey - a win is a win (plus if your opponent is salty enough to ragequit or time out, be somewhat happy that you broke them).

@mdinnerspace I guess I'm wasting my time here, though if this post is intentional trolling.. it's quite soft-core.

Some people take medicine that makes their fingers twitch and muscles spasm.

OFTEN, they mouseslip.

I actually had a Windows XP system that would randomly drop a piece mid-flight 2 or 3 times a day. Fun huh?

Your idea is unsportsmanlike, as, in real life, in chess, in the spirit of chess, there is no such thing as a "mouseslip".

People should have a right to put the pieces on the squares that they choose, regardless of whatever meds they happen to be taking.

In fact, your suggestion is synonymous with unfair play because it gives you an advantage over anyone with debilitating issues.

Can't beat them on the board, so you'll just use their physical ailment against them huh?

"Thank god my opponent needs meds or he/she'd have whooped my butt REAL good." - Coward


That said, if it's not a mouseslip? Then a move is a move.

Someone today missed the battery on their a7 castle pawn. Instead of securing it, they played an automatic f6 push. Then they asked for the takeback, and then they resigned when I took a7.

Seeing a better move after you've moved is NOT a mouseslip. If your move can be interpreted this way, then I will likely not allow a takeback.

But if you drop your Queen in front of my Queen, where you obviously meant a trade, of course I allow that takeback because that would have never happened in real I'm not a I love the game of I want to conduct myself with I act like it.

It's a CHEAPSHOT and the people who take advantage are complete COWARDS.

To me, its blasphemy and offensive to abuse the ins and outs of online chess play.


All that said...
...if we're playing a game of chess, and you make a slip, ask for the takeback, and you'll get it, because that is paying respect to the great chess spirit in the sky. This goes for rated and unrated.


I was in a TENSE position with a dude on my first week here. I was low on time and the cat gave me an extra few minutes so that we could play through...just in the spirit of the game. That's the stuff I'm talking about. That's EXACTLY the kinds of impressions that people need to have when they first arrive at LiChess. They don't need to be reading horsecrap debates about derogatory detractors.


Either you love and respect the game, or you don't.
Either you have value integrity about yourself, or you don't.

Frankly, I'm thinking about collecting a large group of like-minded so that we can drown out all of the people that use the forums to hurt the site, and who are "cold" and "impersonal" with everyone they play against.

Imagine if you came here and every time you sat down you got a "Hi there" "Have Fun"?

Imagine if anytime some sucker wanted to exaggerate the issue of using engines, 30 people would flame the dude and tell them to shut up and that they don't know what they're talking about? (watch how fast that talking point disappears once that precedent is set)

Imagine if everyone with a "?" after their rank got special attention and a particular greeting and personal welcome from x amount of members of the "welcome wagon"?


Maybe I'm the only one that loves the game and thinks that lichess does it the best.

Maybe not.


" Granting just enough takebacks to get the game to one move after the blunder is a great idea."

A takeback should automatically be registered as a surrender and offer to start a new game from an older position.
@Sarg0n Based on your searches, also recommended:

What is integrity?
What is dignity?
What is respect for the game and spirit of chess?
What is "cheapshot"?

What is "can't beat someone straight up, so exploit any little computer glitch you can in order to win a game."

*****What is "creating an environment of community, and of good-vibes, and good-people."*****

Yes. Distinguishing "chess" from "computer chess", where a whole heap of despicable things are possible online... a distinction that the "bad guys" make.

If you think that taking a win based on someone's mouseslip is justified, computer assistance is nothing but a single cowardly argument away, as well.

At the end of the day:

Right is right.
Integrity is integrity.
Spirit of chess is spirit of chess.
Coward is coward.

It's always best to conduct oneself in a way that would make others excited to come back to a wonderful community full of wonderful people.

Now you can tell yourself that an 11 year old kid asking for a takeback, and being rejected, is good for lichess...but that's because you're (censored for content).

I suppose that trying to explain civilization, integrity, evolution, and/ the spirit of chess to (censored for content), is a (censored for content) errand.
Why don't people who fear mouse slips out who have Windows XP related problems use the move confirmation option?

Regarding people who let the clock run out: I can't tell if that was a one off or part of a pattern. Lichess can though; it's easy to see if someone frequently stops playing once they are a certain distance behind.

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