
Tortoise icon for classical games. Rude.

@Rairden #38
Give correspondence chess and slower time controls a good chance and you might find out that chess is a very rich game with lots of beautiful possibilities. Playing only bullet will imho usually produce a mechanical mind with as result rather poor, superficial chess. And those GMs didn't play bullet all their lives. They earned the GM title in real slow time control chess tourneys :)
Yeah I agree. Even though fast chess is amazing, it isn't nearly as nuanced and complicated as classical time controls.
The turtles look too big on the sought graph IMHO. and they're lots of little pieces rather than one joined sprite. Looks rather clunky. I guess I'd have left the "turtle" games as a timer.
I think the icons are genius!

Rapid is close to rabbit, that's kinda cool, but then they tie it in with the story about the rabbit and the turtle!

Which is great because it kind of keeps the ratings unified and as we all know, in the story the turtle wins the race so the turtle is seen as a symbol of the best chess there is.

The people who want the hour glass can go get it tattooed on their azz :D
I don't think classical chess should ever be replaced by speed chess. People play blitz and bullet just because they want to have fun in that sense of having fun, a different kind of enjoyment. People play classical chess for greater quality of chess, and another different kind of enjoyment altogether. Nowadays we have superstars like Andrew Tang, who are great at playing very fast chess and making us enjoy, but over the board, they are still happy to play classical chess. People usually don't play classical chess online because of the cheaters and disconnectors.

Next, people like Greg Shahade will write blogs about 5-over cricket matches, or penalty shootouts to decide games in football. Sad.

Just use "stylish" pluggin for your browser and change the icon if you dislike it

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