
What gives a piece the ability to pin? (Improved Edition)

It's a neat thought, and I don't think it was completely pointless to explore. But yes, this particular idea fails in principle.
"Whom do I call bad? Those who always want to put to shame.

What do I consider the most humane? To spare someone shame.

What is the seal of attained freedom? To no longer be ashamed in front of oneself"

I think you're a good person, static_shadow. You debate well and hold your position(s) without putting to shame.

The internet needs more kindness and comradery, and less shaming and insulting.
And what about me? this wouldn't be possible without me :)
"Tune in next week for a new episode of 'Lichess Pals'"!
I've got a great topic planned for next week, its gonna call it
"Derivatives in chess endgames".

Hahah. Thanks DG. I think there have been a few weeks where I didn't put my best foot forward, but I do generally try to argue my point factually without attacking the person behind the idea. I don't think ideas are bad, I think everyone should share them.

But I also think we should be critical of ideas and open to the fact they can be wrong. I've changed my opinion on a few things recently based on solid arguments by lichess forum users. I think that's great, because it means rather than attacking me for disagreeing, the flaw in my argument or concern was pointed out and so I changed my mind, because I was wrong. Being wrong is nothing to be ashamed of, it helps us grow as human beings. :)

The more you know! *chimes*

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