
Depth test this FEN code twice

Stockfish has or had an issue with this FEN code, but not lc0-v0.30.0-windows-gpu-opencl
Ends in a 50 move repetition ... Note the WDL and how it changes as the moves progress.
Is it my laptop or SF 14 NNUE. It to reached a limit and got stuck at depth 44/99.
SF 11HCE in local browser went beyond depth 74/99. Probably this version does not get stuck and will reach 99/99.

0.0 SF 11HCE
Depth 78/99∞ · 2.6 Mn/s
39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 ...
0.0 SF 11HCE
Depth 85/99∞ · 2.6 Mn/s
39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 41. Rd4 Rd8 42. Bb4 Rd7 43. Kg2 Rd8 ...

0.0 SF 11HCE
Depth 93/99∞ · 2.7 Mn/s
39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 ...

Processeur info from Windows 10 taskmanager. I tabbed to Performance and right clicked to copy this french info.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz
Vitesse de base : 2,40 GHz
Sockets : 1
Cœurs : 2
Processeurs logiques : 4
Virtualisation : Activé
Cache de niveau 1 : 128 Ko
Cache de niveau 2 : 512 Ko
Cache de niveau 3 : 4,0 Mo

Utilisation 92%
Vitesse 2,69 GHz
Temps de fonctionnement 1:16:16:10
Processus 162
Fils 1659
Descripteurs 68234

It will need at least a second test using a better CPU. I'm sure someone else can start testing a few Stockfish versions to find when it started to become an issue.

With even numbered depth the eval line changes but does not remain visible for long. It quickly goes back to an odd numbered depth, where it takes much more time to evaluate and gives me time to copy paste what's displayed.

The depth is still increasing, proving that SF11HCE is able to handle that FEN code.

Are there other engines that have the same issue with this FEN code?
0.0 SF 11HCE
Depth 96/99∞ · 2.7 Mn/s
39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 41. Kg3 Rd8 42. Kf3 Rd7 ...

This PV line gave me time to copy it, before it changed to depth 95. It's too bad that when I copy paste it looks like this...
Depth 97/99∞ · 2.7 Mn/s

It's now 9:46 / 2024-03-07

Depth 98/99∞ · 2.7 Mn/s
39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 41. Rd4 Rd8 42. Rd1 ...

Even at that depth it could only give a 7 ply depth.
Depth 99/99∞

[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "8/p2rk3/P2r1p2/2B2Ppp/8/7P/5K2/3R4 w - h6 0 39"]

39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 *

Now it's up to someone else to find other top engines that get stuck on the FEN code.
Using Nibbler-2.4.3

ANALYSIS (halt?) 25.5k nodes, 0s (N/s: 455k)
focus? 99.2% Ba3 Rd8 Kf3 Rd7 Rd3 Rd8 Ke4 Rd7 Rd2 Rd8 Bc5 Rd7 h4 gxh4 Kf4 Rd8 (Depth: 13, WDL: 983 17 0)
Depth 7 WDL 672 328 0
focus? 83.6% Bb4 h4 Rd4 (Depth: 7, WDL: 672 328 0)
Focus? Bb6

With Nibbler self play settings Stockfish 16.1 continues to play even if the go eval did not produce anything beyond depth 13 in that FEN position. The WDL shows White is winning and black has zero hope of winning.
What seems to have a bug is when the Q:Evaluation digits match the Win digits (WDL). The time it takes to see change in depth becomes extremely time consuming. When the Q digits are not matching the WDL digits than the depth increases at an acceptable pace. When Q is at -1.000 the WDL is at 0 0 1000, which means there is a mate. This was done using Nibbler-2.4.3 and Stockfish dev-20240307-632f1c21

I pressed "Write Infobox to clipboard" to past the following info in this post.

8/p2rk3/P2r1p2/2B2Ppp/8/7P/5K2/3R4 w - - 0 39
ANALYSIS (halt?) 682M nodes, 1m 51s (N/s: 6.1M)

+1.34 39. Kf1 Rd8 40. Kg2 Rd7 41. Rd3 Rd8 42. Kh1 Rd7 43. Bb4
(Depth: 13, Q: 0.875, WDL: 875 125 0)
-4.91 39. Rc1 Kd8 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Ke7 42. Kg3 Rd3+ 43. Kg2 Rd5 44. Re1+ Kf7 45. Rf1 Ra5 46. Kh1 Rxa6 47. Rc1 Ra5 48. Rc7+ Kf8 49. Rh7 h4 50. Kh2 a6 51. Ra7 Ke8 52. Kg2 Rxf5 53. Rxa6 Kf7 54. Ra7+ Kg6 55. Rb7 Re5 56. Rb2 Re3 57. Ra2 Re6 58. Ra5 Rd6 59. Ra4 f5 60. Kg1 Kf6 61. Kf2 Rd3 62. Ra6+ Ke5 63. Ra5+ Ke4 64. Ra2 Rd4 65. Rb2 g4 66. Re2+ Kf4
(Depth: 45, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
(-M17) 39. Bb6 Rxd1 40. Bc5+ Kf7 41. Kf3 Ra1 42. Ke2 Rxa6 43. Bg1 Ra2+ 44. Kf3 a5 45. Bb6 a4 46. Ke3 Rb2 47. h4 g4 48. Bc5 Rb3+ 49. Ke4 a3 50. Bd4 Rb4 51. Kd3 Rdxd4+ 52. Ke2 a2 53. Kf2 a1=Q 54. Ke2 Rb2+ 55. Ke3 Qg1#
(Depth: 43, Q: -1.000, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-4.91 39. Bxd6+ Rxd6 40. Re1+ Kf7 41. Rb1 Rxa6 42. Rb7+ Ke8 43. Rb8+ Kd7 44. Rh8 Ra4 45. Kg2 Ke7 46. Kh2 h4 47. Rc8 Ra5 48. Rc6 Rxf5 49. Ra6 Rb5 50. Kg2 Re5 51. Rxa7+ Ke8 52. Rc7 Re7 53. Rc4 Kf7 54. Kf2 Rd7 55. Ke3 Rd6 56. Rc7+ Kg6 57. Rc5 Ra6 58. Kf2 Ra2+ 59. Kg1 Ra3 60. Kh2 Re3 61. Rc4 f5 62. Rc6+ Kf7 63. Kg2 Re2+ 64. Kg1 Re6 65. Rc8 Re3 66. Kg2 Rd3 67. Rc6 g4
(Depth: 41, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-4.91 39. Rh1 Kd8 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Ke7 42. Kg3 Rd3+ 43. Kg2 Rd5 44. Re1+ Kf7 45. Rc1 Rxf5 46. Rc7+ Kg6 47. Rxa7 Ra5 48. Ra8 Kf5 49. a7 Ra2+ 50. Kg3 Ra3+ 51. Kf2 h4 52. Rc8 Ra2+ 53. Ke3 Rxa7 54. Rc5+ Kg6 55. Kf2 Ra2+ 56. Kg1 Ra3 57. Kh2 Ra7 58. Rc6 Ra2+ 59. Kg1 Ra3 60. Kh2 Re3 61. Kg2 Kf5 62. Rc5+ Kf4
(Depth: 40, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-4.91 39. Re1+ Kf7 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Rd5 42. Rb1 Rxf5+ 43. Kg1 Kg6 44. Rb7 Ra5 45. Rxa7 Kf5 46. Rh7 Ra1+ 47. Kf2 Kg6 48. Ra7 Ra2+ 49. Kf1 h4 50. Kg1 Kf5 51. Kh1 Kf4 52. Rb7 Rxa6 53. Rb4+ Kf5 54. Kg2 Rd6 55. Rc4 Rd2+ 56. Kh1 Kg6 57. Rb4 Rd5 58. Rb6 Re5 59. Rb2 f5 60. Rb8 Rd5 61. Rg8+ Kf6 62. Kh2 Rd3 63. Kg2 Rg3+ 64. Kh2 Ke5
(Depth: 39, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
(-M25) 39. Bxa7 Rxd1 40. Bc5+ Kf7 41. Kf3 Ra1 42. Ke4 Rxa6 43. Kf3 Ra3+ 44. Bxa3 Rd3+ 45. Kf2 Rxa3 46. Kg2 Ke7 47. Kh2 Kd6 48. Kg2 Ke5 49. Kf2 Rxh3 50. Ke1 Kxf5 51. Kd2 g4 52. Ke2 Ra3 53. Kd2 Rf3 54. Ke2 Rf4 55. Kd1 g3 56. Kd2 g2
(Depth: 35, Q: -1.000, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-5.42 39. Rg1 Kf7 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. h4 g4 42. Rb1 Rxa6 43. Ke3 Ra3+ 44. Kf4 g3 45. Rb7+ Ke8 46. Rb2 a5 47. Ke4 a4 48. Kd5 Re3 49. Ra2 a3 50. Rg2 Rb3 51. Kc5 Kf7 52. Kd5 Rb5+ 53. Kc4 Rxf5 54. Rxg3 Ra5 55. Rg1 Ra4+ 56. Kb5 Rxh4 57. Rg3 a2 58. Ra3 Rh2
(Depth: 34, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-4.41 39. Rb1 Kd8 40. h4 Rxa6 41. hxg5 fxg5 42. Rb8+ Kc7 43. Rf8 Ra5 44. Bb4 Rb5 45. Be1 Kd6 46. Rg8 Rxf5+ 47. Kg2 a5 48. Rc8 Ke6 49. Kh2 Kf7 50. Rc6
(Depth: 33, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-5.08 39. Rf1 Kd8 40. Rb1 Rxa6 41. Rb8+ Kc7 42. Rf8 Ra5 43. Bb4 Rxf5+ 44. Ke2 Re5+ 45. Kf2 a5 46. Bc3 Rf5+ 47. Ke3 Kb7 48. Re8 a4 49. Re4 Rf4 50. h4 Rxe4+ 51. Kxe4
(Depth: 33, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-7.02 39. Rxd6 Rxd6 40. Ke3 Kd7 41. Bb4 Rxa6 42. Kd3 Ke8 43. Be1 Kf7 44. Kc4 Ra1 45. Bd2 a5 46. Kb3 Rd1 47. Kc2 Rxd2+ 48. Kxd2 Ke7 49. Ke2 g4 50. h4 a4 51. Kd2 a3 52. Kc2 g3 53. Kb3 g2 54. Kxa3 g1=Q 55. Kb2 Qh1 56. Kc2 Qxh4 57. Kb1 Qh1+ 58. Kb2
(Depth: 33, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-8.39 39. Be3 Rxd1 40. Ke2 Ra1 41. Bc5+ Kf7 42. Kf3 Rd3+ 43. Ke4 Ra4+ 44. Kxd3 Rxa6 45. Bb4 Rb6 46. Ba5 Rb5 47. Bc7 a5 48. Kc4 Rb1 49. Bd6 a4 50. Kc3 Rb3+ 51. Kc2 Rb5 52. Ba3 Rb6 53. Bc1 a3 54. Bxa3 Rb5 55. Kd2 Rxf5 56. Bb4 g4 57. Bd6 Kg6 58. Kc1 Rf1+ 59. Kd2 Rf3 60. hxg4
(Depth: 33, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-4.80 39. Ra1 Kf7 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra5 Rd3 42. Rb5 Ke7 43. Rb7+ Rd7 44. Ke3 Kd6 45. Rb5 Re7+ 46. Kd4 Re5 47. Rb8 Rxf5 48. Ra8 Ra5 49. Rxa7 Ke6 50. Rh7 Rxa6 51. Rxh5 Kf5 52. Rh7 Kf4 53. Kd3 Ra4 54. Ke2 f5 55. Kd2 Kg3 56. Rh5 Ra2+ 57. Kd3
(Depth: 31, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-6.25 39. Bd4 Rxd4 40. Rb1 Rf4+ 41. Ke3 Rxf5 42. Rb8 Ra5 43. Rh8 Ke6 44. Rxh5 Kf5 45. Rh8 Ra3+ 46. Ke2 Kf4 47. Re8 Rxa6 48. Kf2 Ra2+ 49. Kf1 Rd1+ 50. Re1 Rxe1+ 51. Kxe1 Ke3 52. Kd1 Ra6 53. Kc1 f5 54. Kb1
(Depth: 30, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
+1.34 39. Ke1 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 41. Ba3 Rd8 42. Rd2 Rd7 43. Kg3 Rd8 44. Rd3 Rd7 45. Rd4 Rd8 46. Bb4 Rd7 47. Rd2 Rd8
(Depth: 18, Q: 0.873, WDL: 873 127 0)
+1.34 39. Kg1 Rd8 40. Bb4 Rd7 41. Ba3 Rd8 42. Rd2 Rd7 43. Rd4 Rd8 44. Kf2 Rd7 45. Bc5 Rd8 46. Rd3 Rd7 47. Rd2 Rd8 48. Ba3 Rd7 49. Bb4 Rd8 50. Kg3 Rd7 51. h4 g4
(Depth: 18, Q: 0.873, WDL: 873 127 0)
+1.34 39. Ke3 Rd8 40. Ba3 Rd7 41. Kf2 Rd8 42. Kg2 Rd7 43. Kg1 Rd8 44. Kf2 Rd7 45. Rd5 Rd8 46. Kg3 Rd7 47. Bc5 Rd8 48. Rd2 Rd7 49. Kf3 Rd8 50. Ke4 Rd7 51. Rd3 Rd8 52. Bb4 Rd7
(Depth: 17, Q: 0.873, WDL: 873 127 0)
+1.34 39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Ba3 Rd7 41. Kf2 Rd8 42. Kg1 Rd7 43. Bc5 Rd8 44. Rd2 Rd7 45. Kf2 Rd8 46. Ke1 Rd7 47. Ke2 Rd8 48. Kf2 Rd7 49. Kf3 Rd8 50. Ba3 Rd7 51. Kg2 Rd8 52. Kg3 Rd7 53. Rd4 Rd8 54. Kf3 Rd7 55. Ke3 Rd8 56. Bc5 Rd7 57. Kd3 Rd8 58. Kc4 Rd7 59. Kb5
(Depth: 17, Q: 0.875, WDL: 875 125 0)
+1.34 39. Rd3 Rd8 40. Kg1 Rd7 41. Ba3 Rd8 42. Rd2 Rd7 43. Kf2 Rd8 44. Bb4 Rd7 45. Rd4 Rd8 46. Kg1
(Depth: 16, Q: 0.873, WDL: 873 127 0)
+1.40 39. Kg3 Rd8 40. Kf2 Rd7 41. Ba3 Rd8 42. Rd4 Rd7 43. Rd5 Rd8 44. Ke3
(Depth: 15, Q: 0.909, WDL: 909 91 0)
+1.39 39. Rd4 Rd8 40. Rd2 Rd7 41. Rd1 Rd8 42. Ke3 Rd7 43. Ke4 Rd8 44. Rd4 Rd7 45. Rd3 Rd8 46. Bb4 Rd7
(Depth: 15, Q: 0.901, WDL: 901 99 0)
+1.34 39. Ke2 Rd8 40. Kf1 Rd7 41. Kg2 Rd8 42. Kh1 Rd7 43. Ba3 Rd8 44. Kg1 Rd7 45. Kg2 Rd8 46. Kh1 Rd7 47. Rd2 Rd8 48. Kg1 Rd7 49. Kh2 Rd8 50. Rd4 Rd7 51. Kg2
(Depth: 15, Q: 0.875, WDL: 875 125 0)
+1.34 39. Rd2 Rd8 40. Kg2 Rd7 41. Ba3 Rd8 42. Kg3 Rd7 43. Rd5 Rd8 44. Kf2 Rd7 45. Rd4 Rd8 46. Rd3 Rd7 47. Bb4 Rd8 48. Kg3 Rd7 49. Kg2 Rd8 50. Rd4 Rd7 51. h4 g4 52. Rd2 Rd8 53. Bc5 Rd7 54. Kg3
(Depth: 15, Q: 0.873, WDL: 873 127 0)
+1.34 39. Rd5 Rd8 40. Kf3 Rd7 41. Ke3 Rd8 42. Rd4 Rd7 43. Rd2 Rd8 44. Bb4 Rd7 45. Kf2 Rd8 46. Kg3 Rd7 47. Kh2 Rd8
(Depth: 15, Q: 0.873, WDL: 873 127 0)
+1.35 39. Kg2 Rd8 40. Ba3 Rd7 41. Kf1 Rd8 42. Kf2 Rd7 43. Rd4 Rd8 44. Ke3 Rd7 45. Bc5
(Depth: 14, Q: 0.880, WDL: 880 120 0)
+1.33 39. Bb4 Rd8 40. Kg1 Rd7 41. Ba3 Rd8 42. Rd3 Rd7 43. Rd4 Rd8 44. Kf2 Rd7
(Depth: 12, Q: 0.868, WDL: 868 132 0)
+1.28 39. h4 g4 40. Rd3 Rd8 41. Kg3 Rd7 42. Ba3 Rd8 43. Kf4 Rd7
(Depth: 10, Q: 0.833, WDL: 833 167 0)
+0.10 39. Ba3
(Depth: 1, Q: 0.004, WDL: 6 992 2)
Stockfish 13 has no problems with the FEN and does not have things like : (Depth: 10, Q: 0.833, WDL: 833 167 0) That 833 in Q and WDL never happens in SF13.

Used Stockfish 13 with nibbler-2.4.3-windows. I pressed "Write infobox to clipboard" to post this so things can be compared between versions:

8/p2rk3/P2r1p2/2B2Ppp/8/7P/5K2/3R4 w - - 0 39
ANALYSIS (halt?) 106M nodes, 26s (N/s: 4.0M)

+0.72 39. Kf3 Rd8 40. Rd5 Rd7 41. Rd3 Rd8 42. Ba3 Rd7 43. Rd4 Rd8 44. Kg2 Rd7 45. Bb4 Rd8 46. Rd3 Rd7 47. Kf2 Rd8 48. Rd2 Rd7 49. Rd4 Rd8 50. Rd3 Rd7 51. Rd2 Rd8 52. Ba3 Rd7 53. Ke2 Rd8 54. Ke1 Rd7 55. Rd5 Rd8 56. Rd3 Rd7 57. Bc5 Rd8 58. Rd2 Rd7 59. Rd5 Rd8 60. Kf1 Rd7 61. Ba3 Rd8 62. Rd4 Rd7 63. Bb4 Rd8 64. Bc5 Rd7 65. Ke2 Rd8 66. Ke3 Rd7 67. Rd3 Rd8 68. Rd5 Rd7 69. Kf3 Rd8
(Depth: 50, Q: 0.234, WDL: 242 750 8)
(-M16) 39. Bxa7 Rxd1 40. Bc5+ Kf7 41. a7 Ra1 42. Kf3 Rdxa7 43. Bxa7 Rxa7 44. Ke3 Ra3+ 45. Ke4 Rxh3 46. Kd4 Rg3 47. Kc4 h4 48. Kb4 h3 49. Ka4 h2 50. Kb5 h1=Q 51. Kc5 Qc1+ 52. Kb4 Ra3 53. Kb5 Rb3+ 54. Ka4 Qa3#
(Depth: 61, Q: -1.000, WDL: 0 0 1000)
(-M15) 39. Be3 Rxd1 40. Kf3 R7d3 41. Ke2 Rxe3+ 42. Kxe3 Rd5 43. Kf3 Kd6 44. Ke3 Ke5 45. Kf3 Rd3+ 46. Kf2 Ke4 47. Ke2 h4 48. Kf2 Rd2+ 49. Ke1 Ke3 50. Kf1 Kf3 51. Kg1 Rd3 52. Kh2 Kf2 53. Kh1 Rxh3#
(Depth: 54, Q: -1.000, WDL: 0 0 1000)
+0.33 39. Rd5 Rd8 40. Rd2 Rd7 41. Rd4 Rd8 42. Ke3 Rd7 43. Rd1 Rd8 44. Ke4 Rd7 45. Rd5 Rd8 46. Kd3 Rd7 47. Bb4 Rd8 48. Kd2 Rd7 49. Rd3 Rd8 50. Ke3 Rd7 51. Ke2 Rd8 52. Kf2 Rd7 53. Kg2 Rd8 54. Kh2 Rd7 55. Ba3 Rd8 56. Rd5 Rd7 57. Rd2 Rd8 58. Kh1 Rd7 59. Rd3 Rd8 60. Bc5 Rd7 61. Rd1 Rd8 62. Rd4 Rd7 63. Rd3 Rd8 64. Rd1 Rd7 65. Bb4 Rd8 66. Rd4 Rd7 67. Kg2 Rd8 68. Ba3 Rd7 69. Rd3 Rd8 70. Rd1 Rd7 71. Bb4 Rd8 72. Kf2 Rd7 73. Rxd6 Rxd6
(Depth: 52, Q: 0.085, WDL: 106 873 21)
+0.12 39. Ke3 Rd8 40. Rd2 Rd7 41. Kf2 Rd8 42. Rd4 Rd7 43. Kf1 Rd8 44. Rd3 Rd7 45. Ke1 Rd8 46. Rd5 Rd7 47. Rd1 Rd8 48. Ba3 Rd7 49. Rd4 Rd8 50. Kf2 Rd7 51. Kg1 Rd8 52. Rd2 Rd7 53. Rd1 Rd8 54. Rd4 Rd7 55. Rd2 Rd8 56. Kg2 Rd7 57. Kg3 Rd8 58. Rd3 Rd7 59. Kf3 Rd8 60. Kg2 Rd7 61. Bb4 Rd8 62. Rd2 Rd7 63. Kf3 Rd8 64. Rd4 Rd7 65. Rd3 Rd8 66. Rd2 Rd7 67. Rd4 Rd8 68. Kf2
(Depth: 51, Q: 0.029, WDL: 65 899 36)
+0.05 39. Kg3 Rd8 40. Rd2 Rd7 41. Kg2 Rd8 42. Bb4 Rd7 43. Ba3 Rd8 44. Bc5 Rd7 45. Rd4 Rd8 46. Kf3 Rd7 47. Kf2 Rd8 48. Rd5 Rd7 49. Rd3 Rd8 50. Kf3 Rd7 51. Rd4 Rd8 52. Ba3 Rd7 53. Kg3 Rd8 54. Rd3 Rd7 55. Rd5 Rd8 56. Kf2 Rd7 57. Bc5 Rd8 58. Kg1 Rd7 59. Rd3 Rd8 60. Rd1 Rd7 61. Ba3 Rd8 62. Rd4 Rd7 63. Rd2 Rd8 64. Bb4 Rd7 65. h4 g4 66. Kf2 Rd8 67. Bc5 Rd7 68. Rd4 Rd8 69. Rd1 Rd7 70. Kg3 Rd8 71. Rd3 Rd7 72. Rxd6
(Depth: 51, Q: 0.013, WDL: 55 903 42)
(-M15) 39. Bb6 Rxd1 40. Be3 R7d3 41. Ke2 Rxe3+ 42. Kxe3 Rd5 43. Kf3 Kd6 44. Ke3 Ke5 45. Kf3 Rd3+ 46. Kf2 Ke4 47. Ke2 h4 48. Kf2 Rd2+ 49. Ke1 Ke3 50. Kf1 Kf3 51. Kg1 Rd3 52. Kh2 Kf2 53. Kh1 Rxh3#
(Depth: 51, Q: -1.000, WDL: 0 0 1000)
0.00 39. h4 g4 40. Kg3 Rd8 41. Rd5 Rd7 42. Rd3 Rd8 43. Rd1 Rd7 44. Kf2 Rd8 45. Ba3 Rd7 46. Rd4 Rd8 47. Rd3 Rd7 48. Ke1 Rd8 49. Rd5 Rd7 50. Rd4 Rd8 51. Bc5 Rd7 52. Rd3 Rd8 53. Kf1 Rd7 54. Kg2 Rd8 55. Rd5 Rd7 56. Rd4 Rd8 57. Kf1 Rd7 58. Rd3 Rd8 59. Rd2 Rd7 60. Ke2 Rd8 61. Rd4 Rd7 62. Ke3 Rd8 63. Rd3
(Depth: 46, Q: 0.002, WDL: 49 904 47)
+0.20 39. Kg2 Rd8 40. Rd3 Rd7 41. Kh1 Rd8 42. Rd2 Rd7 43. Bb4 Rd8 44. Rd4 Rd7 45. Rd1 Rd8 46. Rd2 Rd7 47. Rd4 Rd8 48. Kg2 Rd7 49. Rd1 Rd8 50. Bc5 Rd7 51. Kh2 Rd8 52. Rd4 Rd7 53. Kg3 Rd8 54. Kf3 Rd7 55. Ke2 Rd8 56. Rd3 Rd7 57. Rd2 Rd8 58. Kf2 Rd7 59. Rd5 Rd8 60. Kf3 Rd7 61. Rd4 Rd8 62. Bb4 Rd7 63. Rd1 Rd8 64. Rd2 Rd7 65. Ba3 Rd8 66. Rd3 Rd7 67. Rxd6 Rxd6
(Depth: 45, Q: 0.049, WDL: 78 893 29)
0.00 39. Rd3 Rd8 40. Kf3 Rd7 41. Kg2 Rd8 42. Rd2 Rd7
(Depth: 45, Q: 0.001, WDL: 49 903 48)
+0.33 39. Kf1 Rd8 40. Rd4 Rd7 41. Bb4 Rd8 42. Rd5 Rd7 43. Kg2 Rd8 44. Kh2 Rd7 45. Rd4 Rd8 46. Rd1 Rd7 47. Bc5 Rd8 48. Rd5 Rd7 49. Kg1 Rd8 50. Rd2 Rd7 51. Bb4 Rd8 52. Kf2 Rd7 53. Kg2 Rd8 54. Bc5 Rd7 55. Kg1 Rd8 56. Rd5 Rd7 57. Kf2 Rd8 58. Kf3 Rd7 59. Rd4 Rd8 60. Rd3 Rd7 61. Kg3 Rd8 62. Ba3 Rd7 63. Kh2 Rd8 64. Rd2 Rd7 65. Rd4 Rd8 66. Kg2 Rd7 67. Rxd6 Rxd6
(Depth: 44, Q: 0.085, WDL: 106 873 21)
+0.05 39. Rd2 Rd8 40. Rd4 Rd7 41. Bb4 Rd8 42. Kg2 Rd7 43. Rd2 Rd8 44. Kf3 Rd7 45. Kg3 Rd8 46. Kg2 Rd7 47. Kf1 Rd8 48. Rd3 Rd7 49. Ba3 Rd8 50. Rd5 Rd7 51. Kg2 Rd8 52. Kf3 Rd7 53. Bc5 Rd8 54. Kg3 Rd7 55. Rd3 Rd8 56. Kh2 Rd7 57. Rd2 Rd8 58. Rd1 Rd7 59. Bb4 Rd8 60. Ba3 Rd7 61. Rd4 Rd8 62. Kg3 Rd7 63. Rd3 Rd8 64. Kf3 Rd7 65. Ke3 Rd8 66. Bc5 Rd7 67. Bb4 Rd8 68. Ba3 Rd7 69. Bc5 Rd8 70. Rxd6
(Depth: 44, Q: 0.013, WDL: 55 903 42)
-4.67 39. Re1+ Kf7 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Rd5 42. Rb1 Rxf5+ 43. Kg3 Ke6 44. Rb7 Ra5 45. Rxa7 Kf5 46. Rh7 h4+ 47. Kg2 Ra2+ 48. Kh1 Ra3 49. Kg2 Rxa6 50. Rb7 Ra2+ 51. Kg1 Re2 52. Kf1 Rd2 53. Kg1 Ke4 54. Rb4+ Rd4 55. Rb2 Ke3 56. Rb5 Kf3 57. Rb2 Re4 58. Rg2 Kf4 59. Rb2 f5 60. Rf2+ Ke5 61. Rb2 Re3 62. Kg2 g4 63. hxg4 fxg4 64. Rb8 Re2+ 65. Kf1 Rd2
(Depth: 40, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
+0.05 39. Ba3 Rd8 40. Bc5 Rd7 41. Kg2 Rd8 42. Kg3 Rd7 43. Rd4 Rd8 44. Rd3 Rd7 45. Kf3 Rd8 46. Ba3 Rd7 47. Bb4 Rd8 48. Ke2 Rd7 49. Kd2 Rd8 50. Ba3 Rd7 51. Ke1 Rd8 52. Bc5 Rd7 53. Rd5 Rd8 54. Kf1 Rd7 55. h4 g4 56. Rd4 Rd8 57. Rd1 Rd7 58. Rd5 Rd8 59. Kf2 Rd7 60. Ke3 Rd8 61. Kf4 Rd7 62. Rd4 Rd8 63. Kg3 Rd7 64. Rd2 Rd8 65. Rxd6
(Depth: 39, Q: 0.013, WDL: 55 903 42)
-4.62 39. Rg1 Kf7 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Rd5 42. Rb1 Rxf5+ 43. Kg3 Kg6 44. Rb7 Ra5 45. Rxa7 Kf5 46. Rh7 h4+ 47. Kg2 Rxa6 48. Rb7 Ra2+ 49. Kg1 Re2 50. Rc7 Kf4 51. Rc4+ Re4 52. Rc2 f5 53. Rf2+ Ke5 54. Kg2 Kf6 55. Kh2 Kg6 56. Rb2 Re6 57. Ra2 g4 58. hxg4 fxg4 59. Ra5 Re2+ 60. Kh1 h3 61. Rb5 g3 62. Rb6+ Kg5 63. Rb5+ Kf4
(Depth: 39, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
+0.25 39. Ke1 Rd8 40. Ke2 Rd7 41. Kf3 Rd8 42. Kg2 Rd7 43. Rd2 Rd8 44. Bb4 Rd7 45. Kg1 Rd8 46. Kf1 Rd7 47. Rd5 Rd8 48. Bc5 Rd7 49. Rd3 Rd8 50. Ba3 Rd7 51. Ke1 Rd8 52. Bb4 Rd7 53. Kf2 Rd8 54. Kg3 Rd7 55. Kh2 Rd8 56. Bc5 Rd7 57. Rd4 Rd8 58. Kg3 Rd7 59. Rd5 Rd8 60. Rd3 Rd7 61. Rd4 Rd8 62. Kf2 Rd7 63. Ke1 Rd8 64. Bb4 Rd7 65. Ba3 Rd8 66. Kf2 Rd7 67. Ke3 Rd8 68. Rd3 Rd7 69. Bc5 Rd8 70. Rd2 Rd7 71. Rd5 Rd8
(Depth: 38, Q: 0.061, WDL: 87 887 26)
+0.34 39. Kg1 Rd8 40. Rd4 Rd7 41. Rd2 Rd8 42. Ba3 Rd7 43. Kf2 Rd8 44. Rd4 Rd7 45. Rd1 Rd8 46. Ke3 Rd7 47. Ke4 Rd8 48. Bc5 Rd7 49. Rd4 Rd8 50. Bb4 Rd7 51. Ke3 Rd8 52. Kd2 Rd7 53. Kd1 Rd8 54. Rd3 Rd7 55. Rd5 Rd8 56. Ba3 Rd7 57. Kd2 Rd8 58. Ke3 Rd7 59. Bb4 Rd8 60. Ke4 Rd7 61. Kf3 Rd8 62. Kg2 Rd7 63. Kg3 Rd8 64. Bc5
(Depth: 37, Q: 0.087, WDL: 108 871 21)
+0.25 39. Ke2 Rd8 40. Rd3 Rd7 41. Rd5 Rd8 42. Ba3 Rd7 43. Rd1 Rd8 44. Ke3 Rd7 45. Bb4 Rd8 46. Kf3 Rd7 47. Kg2 Rd8 48. Kh2 Rd7 49. Rd2 Rd8 50. Kg3 Rd7 51. Kg2 Rd8 52. Kh2 Rd7 53. Kg1 Rd8 54. Ba3 Rd7 55. Kg2 Rd8 56. Rd3 Rd7 57. Rd4 Rd8 58. Kf3 Rd7 59. Ke4 Rd8 60. Bb4 Rd7 61. Ke3 Rd8 62. Bc5 Rd7 63. Rd2 Rd8
(Depth: 37, Q: 0.061, WDL: 87 887 26)
-4.43 39. Rf1 Kf7 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Rd5 42. Rb1 Rxf5+ 43. Kg2 Re5 44. Rb7+ Re7 45. Kf3 f5 46. Rb8 Kf6 47. Rf8+ Ke5 48. Ra8 g4+ 49. hxg4 hxg4+ 50. Kg3 Rc7 51. Re8+ Kf6 52. Rf8+ Kg6 53. Rg8+ Rg7 54. Rb8 Re7 55. Rh8 Re6 56. Kf4 Re4+ 57. Kg3 Ra4 58. Rg8+ Kf6 59. Rf8+ Ke6 60. Rg8 Ra3+ 61. Kf4 Rf3+ 62. Kg5 g3 63. Kh4 f4 64. Kh3 Rf2 65. Rg7 Rh2+ 66. Kg4 Kf6 67. Rg8
(Depth: 37, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-5.48 39. Rh1 Kd8 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Rd5 42. Ke2 Rxf5 43. Rd1+ Kc8 44. Rd3 Re5+ 45. Kf3 Ra5 46. Rd6 Rf5+ 47. Ke4 Kc7 48. Re6 Rf4+ 49. Kd5 Rf3 50. Rc6+ Kd7 51. Rd6+ Ke7 52. Rc6 Rd3+ 53. Kc4 Rxh3 54. Rc7+ Ke6 55. Rxa7 Ra3 56. Kb5 h4 57. Rh7 h3 58. Kb6 g4 59. a7 Ke5 60. Rh6 Kf4 61. Rxf6+ Kg5 62. Rf8 h2 63. Rh8 g3 64. Rg8+ Kf4
(Depth: 37, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-5.72 39. Rc1 Kd8 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra1 Rd5 42. Kg2 Rxf5 43. Rd1+ Ke7 44. Rb1 Rd5 45. Rb7+ Rd7 46. Kf2 h4 47. Kf3 Kd6 48. Rb1 Ke6 49. Rb7 Rd3+ 50. Kg2 Rd2+ 51. Kg1 Rd7 52. Kg2 Kd6 53. Rb3 Rc7 54. Kf3 Rc6 55. Kg4 Rxa6 56. Kf5 Kc7 57. Rc3+ Rc6 58. Ra3 a6 59. Ra1 Kd7 60. Kg6 Ke6 61. Ra5 Rb6 62. Rf5 Ke7 63. Rc5 Kf8 64. Rc7
(Depth: 37, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
+0.33 39. Rd4 Rd8 40. Ba3 Rd7 41. Ke3 Rd8 42. Kf3 Rd7 43. Kf2 Rd8 44. Rd3 Rd7 45. Ke3 Rd8 46. Kd2 Rd7 47. Rd5 Rd8 48. Bb4 Rd7 49. Rd4 Rd8 50. Ke2 Rd7 51. Rd1 Rd8 52. Rd3 Rd7 53. Rd4 Rd8 54. Kf3 Rd7 55. Ke4 Rd8 56. Bc5 Rd7 57. Rd5 Rd8 58. Ba3 Rd7 59. Bb4 Rd8 60. Kf3 Rd7 61. Bc5 Rd8 62. Kg2 Rd7 63. Rd2 Rd8 64. Rd1 Rd7 65. Rxd6 Rxd6
(Depth: 36, Q: 0.085, WDL: 106 873 21)
-2.62 39. Rb1 Kd8 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Rb8+ Ke7 42. Rb7+ Rd7 43. Rb2 Kd6 44. Rd2+ Kc6 45. Rb2 Rd3 46. Rb7 Rxh3 47. Rxa7 Ra3 48. Ra8 Ra5 49. a7 Rxf5+ 50. Kg2 Kb7 51. Rh8 Kxa7 52. Rxh5 Kb6 53. Rh1 Kc5 54. Rd1 Rd5 55. Rf1 f5 56. Kf3 Rd4 57. Kg3 Rg4+ 58. Kh3 Rf4 59. Rxf4 gxf4 60. Kg2 Kd4 61. Kf3 Ke5 62. Kf2 Ke4 63. Ke2 f3+ 64. Kf2 Kf4 65. Ke1 Kg3 66. Kf1
(Depth: 36, Q: -0.976, WDL: 0 24 976)
-5.34 39. Ra1 Kf7 40. Bxd6 Rxd6 41. Ra5 Rb6 42. h4 Ke7 43. Ra3 Rb5 44. Re3+ Kf7 45. Rc3 Rxf5+ 46. Ke3 Ra5 47. hxg5 fxg5 48. Rc7+ Kg6 49. Rxa7 h4 50. Ra8 Kh5 51. Kf3 Ra3+ 52. Ke4 Kg4 53. a7 Ra5 54. Kd4 h3 55. Kc4 Ra3 56. Kc5 h2 57. Rh8 Kg3 58. Kb6 g4 59. Kb7 Ra1
(Depth: 36, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-10.12 39. Rxd6 Rxd6 40. Ba3 h4 41. Bc5 Kd7 42. Bxa7 Rxa6 43. Bd4 Ra5 44. Kg2 Rxf5 45. Bb6 Ke6 46. Bd4 Rd5 47. Bc3 Kf5 48. Be1 Rb5 49. Bc3 Rb3 50. Bd4 Rg3+ 51. Kh2 Ra3 52. Bb6 Ra2+ 53. Kg1 Kf4 54. Bd4 Rd2 55. Bc3 Rd3 56. Bxf6 Kg3 57. Be5+ Kxh3 58. Kf1 Rd2 59. Ke1 Ra2 60. Bf6 g4 61. Kf1
(Depth: 36, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
-51.84 39. Bd4 Rxd4 40. Rb1 Kd6 41. Re1 Rf4+ 42. Kg1 Kc5 43. Rc1+ Kb5 44. h4 Rxh4 45. Rc2 Rf4 46. Rb2+ Kxa6 47. Rc2 Kb5 48. Rb2+ Ka4 49. Ra2+ Kb4 50. Rb2+ Ka3 51. Rb5 Ka4 52. Rb8 Rxf5 53. Rb2 a5 54. Kg2 Ka3 55. Re2 Kb3 56. Kg1 Rd3 57. Re6 Rd2 58. Re3+ Ka2 59. Re1 h4
(Depth: 36, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)
0.00 39. Bb4 Rd8 40. Kg2 Rd7 41. Rd2 Rd8 42. Kh1 Rd7 43. Rd3 Rd8 44. Rd5 Rd7
(Depth: 35, Q: 0.001, WDL: 49 903 48)
-6.50 39. Bxd6+ Rxd6 40. Re1+ Kd7 41. h4 g4 42. Ra1 Rc6 43. Rd1+ Ke7 44. Kg3 Rxa6 45. Re1+ Kd7 46. Rd1+ Kc6 47. Rd8 Ra3+ 48. Kf4 g3 49. Rf8 g2 50. Rxf6+ Kd5 51. Rg6 Ra2 52. Rg3 a5 53. Rd3+ Kc5 54. Rg3 a4 55. Ke4 Kd6 56. Rg6+ Ke7 57. Ke3 Kf7 58. Kd4 a3 59. Ke4 Rb2 60. Kf3
(Depth: 32, Q: -0.998, WDL: 0 0 1000)

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