
Are we really playing humans on here?

"Quit bitching that you lose games"

I guess your rating doesn't positively correlate to your reasoning skills. I wasn't talking about lost games exclusively. Also, I am not even talking about cheating. This might be some useful technology now with A0 and Leela. I can explain more what I mean later if you are really interested.

I would love to lose games from a human. Prove you're human, that's all I ask.
"All it would take is a redirect to the analysis board, you type a few lines, answer your opponent's questions (Why did you play blah blah on move 24?, that kind of thing). Even if the human didn't know the answer, you then allow the person questioning to ask another question and it could be random (say your favorite color with numbers between each letter, "r3e2d"). "

is this a meme are you memeing right now
This is nonsensical. Obviously you’re playing a vast majority of human players on this site, AI are clearly identified and otherwise are known as cheaters and eventually caught and the ratio of those are low here. Your circumstantial evidence is trollish at best. I’d focus on playing chess and improving your play, whomever you suspect to be playing.

@brochess Making a meme from a reply? I don't even do that stupid stuff, but if I did, why would I wait to reply?

@jg777 Clearly identified? Based on what premises?
@tigerprowl "All it would take is a redirect to the analysis board, you type a few lines, answer your opponent's questions (Why did you play blah blah on move 24?, that kind of thing). Even if the human didn't know the answer, you then allow the person questioning to ask another question and it could be random (say your favorite color with numbers between each letter, "r3e2d")."

You are aware, that there are thousands of different languages on this planet?

Besides: Making blahblah with strangers is not fun for me and probably many others. I would quit playing on lichess, if it became a rule that I have to prove this way I'm human.
"You are aware, that there are thousands of different languages on this planet?" Yes, but they aren't applying them to chess only. Isn't there checkers, monopoly, and uno?

"Making blahblah with strangers is not fun for me and probably many others." But you replied to my messages.
Memeing according to urbandictionary is 'the act of saying something completely inane and dumb but in a way that makes it sound as if you're quite serious about it whether you are or are not', so its what boomers called trolling before trolling meant cyberwar.
@tigerprowl : All things you expect "any human" to do I am doing rarely or never. I often skip to the next game without analyzing the old one. I often continue playing even if I consider myself completely lost. I often resign immediately after opponent's move without consideration. I often have a big advantage and then just loose missing opponent's mate in 1. I often do not answer my opponent's posts in the chat window. And still: I am human. Believe it or not ...

And in the rare case that you indeed loose to a cheater: Well, if you usually analyze your games, do it: You will find where you missed better moves. Use that and improve.
@brochess I don't know about that hoopla. I am just stating my opinion. If you disagree with me then you can shoot the "troll" arrows. But that's on you, not me.
@Sybotes I am not asserting EVERY player would go over the game after they finish. I usually do, 95% of the time. I have yet to see one person look at the game after WE finished it on this site. If they won, fine they feel confident and the ego is running high. They want more points. However, if they lose they don't rematch or look at where they screwed up ever? Strange behavior. I look at the games I win and lose. Then I play a next game.

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