
Convert me

@CSKA_Moscou said in #109:
> The idea of a comet with microbial life forms was for some time a viable hypothesis, even though the chances that these microbes or cells could survive an impact and acclimatize are almost zero. a serious idea would be that it would be the fruit of chemical reactions which would have generated the environment conducive to life, then, life itself.

that still doesnt answer anything because that comet would've had to come from somewhere too.

> why would a spaceship with a superior intelligent species want to risk going to a furnace like earth, to play chemists?
> It's impossible and not scientific.
> we must consider that it is the result of an exceptional chance. and metaphysically speaking, the appearance of life and its evolution are a divine miracle. The Permian Triassic extinction destroyed 95% of life on earth. So yes, we are lucky
the word 'divine' is precisely correct. we are here bc God decided to put us here, not bc of stuff spawning from nowhere and bumping into each other.
Cedur, your argument is ridiculous. Things can't come from nothing. its not possible. the world didn't just spawn from nothing. there has to be a creator, outside of time that created the world, because things just don't appear. if they did, we would see it happening today. have you ever seen something just appear, for example, a whole universe? no. the things in the universe now have been there since creation.
@ALucasM said in #111:
> that still doesnt answer anything because that comet would've had to come from somewhere too.

Exactly, lol. I criticized the comet hypothesis, which I consider highly unrealistic, because of the impact.

even if most popular books from 2010-2015 put forward this hypothesis with arguments that since a comet is a flying object with a trail and an icy surface, there is therefore potentially water in different forms... Ok, but there is still water when it crash ?!?!

I don't want to shock anyone, but although I am a rationalist, I am a believer and faith is very important to me, even if it is a purely personal, family and therefore private matter.

(so no need to ask me what religion I am, because I won't say it on a forum).

so call me a Pascalian if you want.

I consider that everything that is the result of chance is of divine order, otherwise we would not be here. escaping a car accident is also a divine miracle, because sometimes there is as much chance of not having the right reflex as of having it.

therefore having had at this precise moment the reflex to avoid the vehicle which is approaching is not a coincidence but a divine will.

> the word 'divine' is precisely correct. we are here bc God decided to put us here, not bc of stuff spawning from nowhere and bumping into each other.

therefore, i think the same for life on earth. It is not for nothing that humans appeared, even if I understand and accept Darwin's theory. it is therefore not a coincidence that we are here, but a coincidence whose elements were ordered by the creator to get there
@ALucasM it's ridiculous if you think that this "creation" is anywhere related to old primitive myths written in the book genesis or wherever
@Cedur216 said in #114:
> @ALucasM it's ridiculous if you think that this "creation" is anywhere related to old primitive myths written in the book genesis or wherever
actually it's not. some god or gods obviously created the world. there's no question about it. I find the Christianity is the most plausible.
and yet again, you still haven't given me proof for atheism.
@ALucasM said in #115:
> actually it's not. some god or gods obviously created the world. there's no question about it. I find the Christianity is the most plausible.

You're a blatant fundamentalist who refuses to understand the bible only symbolically and to accept the difference between religion and reality. I'm done with my cause.
@Cedur216 said in #118:
> You're a blatant fundamentalist who refuses to understand the bible only symbolically and to accept the difference between religion and reality. I'm done with my cause.
and reality is that you were created, not spawned.
and not only have you criticized my beliefs instead of giving actual proof like i did, you leave the argument.

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