
How are you unique?

Every person has something unique about themselves even though they may feel the are very common. So how are you unique?
@Aditri_De said in #1:
> Every person has something unique about themselves even though they may feel the are very common. So how are you unique?
I can solve a rubix cube blindfolded
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #2:
> I am the only person occupying the exact place in space as time that I do.
Bro can u tell me ur quality in deep on inbox
I think my creativity makes me unique... that, and my crazy, confused, huge hairstyle... hahaha
What makes me unique? Accepting the fact that I am not unique at all, and that I can die at any second. So I know I've gotta live my life to the fullest :)
I am allergic to the question 'how am I unique.' Merely seeing the question triggers an instant sneeze of annoyance from me. @OP, you owe me some tissues!
There is only one HerkeyHawkeye, besides, my momma told me I was special. I believed her.
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